The whole 5 of them in that little corner.
Nice Stadium. Pitch would of been at its best if it was dry, pity I couldnt say that about the team. How the ball didnt go in for Millers header I dont know and how Mackie, as bad as he is a times, missed that sitter in the 2nd half is beyond me. Hopefully Gary McDonald is back sooner rather than later, didnt think I would of said that after the first couple of months at the start of the season
Was it on TV? I had phoned my dad asking if it was BBC Alba but he had said no and I dont think he was looking right knowing him
Fuck Sake Ive had enough of that white shite that falls from the sky, for this year. Saying that if the white shite is lying on the ground I wonder if there will be a snowball fight Better be sitting beside some people who are trying to create an atmosphere. I wont be chuffed if Ive gone to a midweek game in Paisley freezing my bollocks off watching what will probably be shite football without some people around me creating/trying to create an atmosphere to which I will try and join in with.
Thats annoyed me a couple of times this season when he has one good piece of skill and the sponsers choose him automatically. I still cant decide who my MOTM was. It was going to be Mair until the end when he sliced a couple of kicks but Im thinking that Kerr will probably get my vote, or Seve
It was a dive. I was right on the angle of the guys run and he just jumped over langfields legs, no connection. You could tell by Langfields and the players reactions that it was a dive
Shocking refreeing display today, personally dont think we could of won that. He made Mike McCurry look like a professional ref! Need to get back to form soon. Think Mulgrew should be dropped for Tuesday. He seemed to perform a lot better after the first time he was dropped earlier in the season and this could be the kick up the poop chute he needs. Mackie was Mackie today, Good to see Smith back too, he could be the right winger we are needing. Him on the right and Aluko on the left would be excellent but that will never happen
Good Point. Dont know why I did that. Think I was about to put down another song but was listeneing to that and put it down instead
I Knew Prufrock Before He Got Famous - Frank Turner
Seve by a mile for me. Best game he's had this season in my opinion. Got stuck into tackles, wasnt scared to try and win the ball and he was there to end a good move for the 1st goal
In/Oot - In
Pre-match - el worko de tesco
Stand - RDS
Post-match - Home, supper, inverurie, town
Prediction - 1-0 Tommy Wright Wright Wright making Utd look shite shite shite
Pawlett would of scored if Miller didnt try and be fancy with an overhead kick. He also seemed to run with the ball at his feet taking on players. Paton wasnt played in his correct position(surprise surprise) but still did ok. but as Kowalski said it had become a training exercise.
How bebo missed that first one on one is beyond me. Should of been more than 5 but oh well cant complain as we got through comfortably
Mackie. Kerr was close as he seemed to be the most composed on the ball and so was mulgrew for his deliveries but mackie gets it from me for his finish and his general running like a headless chicken with more effect than normal
I personally thought we seemed to attack a bit more when Wright came on. He just got into there faces when he went on, which none of the other members of the squad seem to have the balls to do, and we seemed to have a bit more fight in us. He should of done better when the ball was caught up in his feet in front of goal even though he was offside.
just back. The 2nd goal was coming. Sat way too deep. Only seemed to attack in the 2nd half when Tommy Wright came on. Cracking goal by Dazzling Darren by a cracking ball by Mulgrew. Never relised how close the seats were to the pitch. I was in row 7 and I still more or less on top of the pitch. Also whos stupid idea was it to put a single seat by themselves Felt like a tit at first sitting and singing away by myself but that feeling soon left. One of my mate was spat on after the game by a dirt smelly Jambo tink - Doesnt surprise me really that it happened though
More young-uns signed on -,,10284~1555861,00.html
Nicky Clark = fairy,,10284~5345003,00.jpg[/img]