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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by stoney

  1. Correction, what i actually said is that he hasnt been given any amount of backing and that the situation is not entirely his fault. I feel sorrow for the guy, i dont think he has been given a fair backing by the board. What i also said that was the board should either back him or sack him.
  2. Feel free to find one post where i have said Mcghee is the right man for the job............You will find about 30 that state that i dont think that he is - they shouldnt be too hard to find.
  3. Where have I backed Mcghee? Have only seen one good performance from him this season, at home to hibs - when the opposition wernt exactly up to much! The rest is just pure frustrating to watch, he was one of those players who cost calderwood his job - only played when he wanted too - dont make him out to be a great players, he is a player nobody else wanted or wants. In order to have a decline you would have to have a starting point in the first place. Im not sure where this opinion that he was some sort of world beater under calderwood has came from! Just another in a long line of frustrating players who clearly have ability but their shocking attitude and general application let them down.
  4. Is he fuck - hes pish - i count count the amount of half decent games he has had on one hand! He wont be any loss at all - he will simply be replaced by someone who is hungry and does want to he play for AFC - if we dont have someone of alukos "ability" in the reserves then i suggest we shut the doors now because we are well and truely fucked
  5. haha fuck off aluko - your fucking murder.
  6. They all look the same
  7. It was colin samuel
  8. Must apoligize for backing up one of my players..........Silly stoney Wont happen again sir!
  9. Theres nothing wrong with sticking up for your own. If we dont do it nobody else will =)
  10. Probably thought there was no point given this weeks circumstances! Like i said - if it was a red then at least two st johnstone players should have walked too. Consistancy is all we are after
  11. The same as we got on in all our previous cup matches this season - victory
  12. Have always been of the opinion you either back him or sack him - nothing has changed. LOL mizer min - give it a rest - every tackle that is made in the history of football would require you to leave the pitch with both feet, looks to me like tackling with left foot and has just left the ground with his right, Was no worse than three tackles made by their players, certainly a booking - but a red do me a favour
  13. Dont think anyone would agree with it, total nonsense. I think it would have made a differance, think we would have taken robertson / jack off stuck on Velicka and moved aluko out wide.
  14. :lolabove: :lolabove: :lolabove:
  15. At least i have a team
  16. Was no worse than Mayburys Ifil was probably second for man of the match behind vernon yesterday just shows what the stay away fans know, hard to judge a game when you are 200 miles away on your laptops
  17. Blah blah fucking blah If aluko puts away that chance than the game takes a differant spin and we win, was it a red? was it fuck Start blaming the real criminals - those on big wages who are fucking things up week after week
  18. Losers mentality has been the bug bear of the club for years, its instilled from top to bottom in the youngsters from a young age.
  19. Shes already getting undressed by the looks of things :0
  20. If you are going to travel with the gothenburg reds you had best look the part
  21. Ken, its murder having mates
  22. Thats because nobody else apart from users on this site have an unjustified hatered of Mcghee. But then again the panel must be wrong as well
  23. Beggers cant be choosers
  24. LOL how did you know im having fish..........Freaky
  25. Sorry i was under the impression we were meant to be looking for full backs at the moment - now you want a left winger
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