Best Aberdeen Player of the Decade: Anderson
Best homegrown player: Anderson
Best signing: Pffft been a few good ones, always liked Heikannen
Best goalkeeper: Kjaer - best of a bad bunch
Best defender: Anderson - no contest
Best midfielder: Heikannen
Best forward: Stavrum?
Best manager: They have all been pretty rank
Pick an XI from the decade: Kjaer, Mcnaughton, Anderson, Diamond, Hart, Smith, Heikannen, seve, Nicolson, stavrum, winters
Game of the Decade: Few crackers over the years my fav was probably being 1-0 to hibs in the 2000 semi, then winning 2-1 honerable mentions to 3-2 parkhead, copenhagen bayern and any win over the huns
Biggest single disappointment of the decade: Queen of the south
Best opposition player of the decade: Larsson - No contest