And does the First Division get stuck with the split? Why is it good enough for that league but not the SPL?
Out of sight, out of mind I suppose.
The whole thing is fucking shit.
So that's Hartley, Craig Brown and Vernon that have come out and stated they want him to stay now. Fuck him though, he's not worth keeping!
I suppose it depends who Maguire wants to listen to though, Willie Miller and Craig Broon, or Willie McKay.
well hoop sniffers
It's Friday 3.30pm.
Nothing happening for me. Still aff the demon drink so none tonight, and probably none tomorrow. Who knows, maybe I'll go all the way till the semi-final weekend
I can't imagine we'd get anymore than the 300-400k "development fee" in transfer for a player with 6 months left?
Of course, there has to be someone willing to buy him!
Would agree with getting rid this month, especially if we can get Blackman in.