I was having a snooze in Edinburgh Airport yestersay, and who wanders by but Jim Leighton and another coach. The fit blond physio inna.
Went through to departures and here was the entire first team squad, got a couple of autographs so if anyone wants a copy of 'The Shining' signed by Aluko, Considine and Maguire, give me a shout. A 22 year old asking folk younger than him for auotgraphs, .
They all sounded as thick as fuck - sitting about reading the Sun and Nuts. Maguire in particular sounds as neddy as fuck - 'Haw, Kerrzo, you taking that magazine man?'
Had a magic conversation with Considine.
Me: 'Is that you away to Austria?' (Startling conversationalist, me)
Him: 'Aye'