I thoroughly enjoyed porno, even more so than trainspotting, hope you enjoy it rocket!
Might dig it out and give it another read before the film comes out.
According to STV the club have announced that Collin and Church will return to their clubs and Brown, Goodwillie and Rose have been released. Can't imagine any of that will be a huge surprise either.
I presume the fact we've had fuck all to play for in the split during the time McInnes has been here skews the record slightly... Saying that it's still no excuse and nowhere near good enough.
I wouldn't say detailed and clear arguments based on current legislation on why the current site is not feasible can be called speculation but I do get what you're saying.
Although I'm sure the club have addressed this years ago in various Q&A sessions etc, I just can't seem to find it whilst browsing on my phone.
Check back on this topic and ones on other forums, the reasons why redeveloping pittodrie on its current site have been done to death multiple times. From memory there's a couple of clued up posters on both here and the hat that have explained pretty simply why staying put isn't an option even ignoring the financial side of things. making sure it was up to current standards etc would reduce the capacity to a ridiculously low level, without even considering the logistics of redeveloping the stadium whilst still using it.
I get what you mean, I'd dearly like the new stadium within walking distance of the city centre but I just can't see where we could locate it. That's without considering the fact traffic and parking is already a joke in town, adding in football traffic would be even worse, it's bad enough at the current site!
Squad for the upcoming friendlies have been announced... You can probably guess who makes it and who's been left out by now.
Probably works out in our favour I guess, more chance of a rest for our players.
You could well be right, driving past on the way to work this morning it looks to be farm land but I guess that's not to rule out Milne owning it. I'd imagine they'd need to be careful with regards to conflicts of interests when buying/selling that land if Milne does own it though.
Care to expend on those many reasons? I cant think of too many, once additional public transport links etc are sorted out.
Considering a city centre location was never going to magically appear to keep everyone happy it seems to be an alright proposal.
The map is a bit blurry but it shows the location of the proposed stadium. The article also seems to indicate the missives for the site has been signed which is a huge step. Would be interesting to see the plans once the planning application goes in.
Considering there's not a hope in hell of a big enough site in the city centre magically appearing I'd say it's one of the better locations that's been proposed over the years.
Westhill is still a hell of a lot easier to get to than loriston. Plus it's not like additional public transport won't be arranged as soon as there's a need too. I think people get too hung up on what's currently there, rather than what could/should be there by the time the stadium is ready.
Assuming it's ever actually ready.
STV reporting there will be an announcement regarding the stadium and training facilities tomorrow. Expected to be focused on the Westhill/kingswells area again.
I'll believe it when I see it but I'd probably prefer it there than loriston.
Seems like he has an alright pedigree and if we are going to spend money on the compensation you'd have to imagine McInnes is fairly sure he's a player. Sounds like it would give us a different option up front which we are sorely lacking... All in all fairly positive, hopefully the sign of things to come.
New kit has been revealed on the club site... Looks exactly like the mock up
On sale from the 11th of May too, nice touch!
First player to hit double figures in both goals and assists in the league too, but aye lets get him punted!
Agree with your point about judging him on cold hard facts such as goals and assists, of course they're a good indication of his performance this season. Anyone who can't see that is probably either blinkered or knows nothing about football... Or both.
Spurs have been utterly disgraceful tonight. Even against a Chelsea team that it's remarkably easy to hate Spurs have been shockingly dirty.
I'm sure there's a lot of people will make it out to be frustration at throwing it away but it really wasn't, it was going on all game. That ill discipline has cost them the league.
I can't think of a more painful way to be relegated... Losing a last minute winner against your local rivals to send them down is brutal.
Can think of a few Dundee fans that will be fairly happy tonight though