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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Edinburghdon

  1. Great move for Man U IF they keep De Gea too, would really push De Gea to keep up his impressive form so far this season and provide a great back up for the times that De Gea is rested/out of form. Totally agree about Evans too, the number of sponsors pulling out even at the rumours of a deal should have given them a fair warning as to what would happen if they confirmed the signing.
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/d/dundee_utd/7849933.stm
  3. Well ive already asked a simple question... I can't help it if you won't expand on the previous antics of McGinn thays clearly upset you so much!
  4. Rocket, been doing a little Google research, probably not very in depth seeing as Im on my phone with limited battery life but the only even remotely relevant thing that Google came up with (admittedly Google probably doesn't know quite as much as you) is this: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/belfast-pub-owned-agent-celtic-2928793 Is this what you were referring to? Because I can see how you were enraged by that, despite the fact Even the agent seems to be quoted as saying he didn't have a clue the pub his agent ran was holding a green brigade fund raiser I can tell he was absolutely one of the ring leaders and I'm amazed he wasn't sacked instantly. Although if that's not what you're droning on about I'm sorry (well not really) and I fully accept the inevitable ranting post in response whilst still avoiding letting slip what the fuck you're actually on about.
  5. No, but seeing as it was a genuine question you could have given me some clue as to what you're on about. Simple question really but if you're unable or incapable of telling me what McGinn did at a celtic fund raiser that enraged so many dons fans then fair enough, you be evasive all you like! Wonderful because Im fairly certain if any club was stupid or petty enough to even try to justify that they'd be up against a wrongful dismissal case before you know it! Id imagine the fact the system has changed since the season he was scoring for fun had a major effect in this. He was no longer focal point of our attack so of course goals were harder to come by. I imagine his confidence took a hit as he lost form too which wouldn't have helped. To suggest it's down to his attitude is a bit of a stretch and I can't see what you're basing that on to be honest. And as Manc kindly pointed out I do live in aberdeen yes and I do attend games, admittedly ive missed a couple recently due to other commitments but that's life... Maybe you should try it rather than getting angry about trivial things on the Internet
  6. What previous would that be then? Having played for Celtic? Supported them? Can't see that as being any different to any pro that hasn't celebrated/looked apologetic after scoring against previous/boyhood clubs. That, quite frankly is the most ridiculous thing I've read in a long time, to suggest him celebrating Celtic scoring is anything like gross misconduct is incredible. Care to enlighten us about what happened after the fundraiser? Genuinely don't recall that. Some people say lots of things on social media, I'd be willing to bet a large amount of money that the vast majority of it is pish, I suspect McGinn celebrating wildly on Monday night falls into this category... And just what do you have that makes you believe that there's any problems in the relationship with the manager? The fact he signed on an extended deal without any fuss what so ever? Do you really think there was a strained relationship or any attitude problem he would have been tied up on a long term deal? oh the irony...
  7. Firstly, there's many many pro's that have done something similar against ex teams, another fuss over nothing. Secondly I can't see how he's rubbing anything in anyone's faces, I genuinely can't... But you crack on with the outrage
  8. So basically its all about opinion sharing... except you're a moron if you disagree with your opinion? Thanks for clearing that up oh wise one Oh and it's fuck all to do with being politically correct, it's just that most reasonable people see no harm in him going to watch a game of football with his ex team mate, but you crack on.
  9. Right maybe we should all come up with a list of rules all aberdeen players must follow or they're sacked... Would that keep everyone happy? Jesus wept you lot need to get over yourselves. He attended a football game. In his own time. People bitching about it will cause far more harm to our season than McGinn going to a Celtic game ever will.
  10. Get a grip, Jesus he went to one game of football. Fair enough he's in the public eye but that doesn't mean he should be banned from doing what he likes in his own time. When he spends his spare time bringing the club into disrepute by doing something actually wrong you can throw that excuse about all you like, until then dry your eyes.
  11. At the end of the day who really gives a fuck?! It's well known he's a celtic fan, he was there with an ex team mate and it's not like they were playing aberdeen at the time. What he does in his own time is his own business. People need to get over themselves.
  12. Ah I may have just been being a dick!
  13. I wonder how cheaply we could get lee Wallace for
  14. Boooooooo! Negative bastard
  15. I'm sorry but who cares if shinnie goes elsewhere? Decent player yes, but he's not the messiah. There's plenty of left backs out there and I've got to believe mcinnes hasn't signed one of them because the perfect fit hasn't become available yet. It'll happen when it happens.
  16. Congratulations you win the prize for worse donstalk post ever... What a load of shite. If you think any team in the league purposely lies down to Celtic you need your head checked.
  17. That's a totally different issue though. Just because Milne has the opinion that certain aspects of the league are stronger with the traditionally bigger teams in it doesn't mean the club would ever support bending the rules to get them back in. I think Milne has shown in the past that he's willing to do the right thing in matters like this, so I doubt that'll change now.
  18. That's a bit of a stretch, it's a pretty valid point that the league is stronger with the traditionally bigger clubs purely down to the increased chance of decent sponsorship. Saying that in no way means they'll do anything to help them get promoted!
  19. This hits the nail on the head.
  20. Do you happen to know why the rest of the players have missed out on parts of the season? A graph for each player showing the time spent out for each reason would be helpful in illustrating this. Thanks x
  21. I think the Shell sponsorship ended years ago, agree that the club seems to be running far more professionally these days, it's great to keep getting good news out of the blue.
  22. http://www.afc.co.uk/news/5453.php#.VIl5qzGsUwA Could lead to them sponsoring the new training facilities perhaps?
  23. I presume you're including yourself in that
  24. Oh undoubtably!
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