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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Edinburghdon

  1. Seems the Scottish FA have released this: http://www.scottishfa.co.uk/resources/documents/ClubLicensing/2017/280417CL%20current%20status.pdf How they can award rangers a European licence is beyond me, seems the 3/5 years audited accounts criteria has been ignored. Although it seems the SFA can use their 'discretion' which just passes the decision on to UEFA. Here's hoping they make the right call at least.
  2. Would be a dreadful move for him, reckon it's the championship or no move if he's got any sense.
  3. Totally agree, loved that midfield partnership. Not sure it'll all together fair to compare McLean to Seve though, McLean's a different type of player and has always been better in a more advanced no. 10 role. It should be his permanent position for us, reckon he's only asked to play deeper on occasion because we're short on options. Always remembered Seve as a traditional box to box type midfielder, more comparable to jack or shinnies usual role.
  4. I can only imagine it's because the club don't see the point in spending the cash required to do it at pittodrie, which I see the sense in.
  5. Thatll be why the club have repeatedly said they'll have one provided the Celtic trial goes well then won't it? Really not sure where the feeling that the club is against it comes from, they've been quite clear in what they've said st the roadshows and exhibitions etc.
  6. Seems the link you provided makes no mention at all about safe standing, don't you think it's telling that every single article since only talks about rail seating? There's no mention at all of anything else being acceptable. As far as a location at the beach, kings links is in the local plan and discussed already in this thread. As far as the council "finding" a location... where's there any evidence of that being true? Some people saying it doesn't mean it's based on any kind of reality.
  7. Are you genuinely taking the piss? The link I've shown you to twice states what is the accepted type of safe standing. Must admit I'm doing this on my phone so can't search the link provided but if you read the interview/q&a it clearly states what the accepted safe standing design for the Scottish premiership is. Seaton not being marked as off limits in the latest local plan doesn't mean that it's been proposed nor does it mean it's suitable or even large enough.
  8. Do you really think a full bus doing done trip is as cost effective as one partially full or half empty bus doing one trip? Or that a bus doing multiple almost full trips as would be the case in a properly planned service wouldn't be more cost effective than one doing a couple of full runs then a couple of basically empty runs as is the case with the current x17? It's blindingly obvious a properly run shuttle could be more cost effective or cheaper than the service buses. They haven't though have they? The rules on min capacity in the top league has been relaxed I'll give you that, the rules for standing in the top leagues is limited to the rail style seating as previously mentioned. Doesn't matter if Doncaster likes Arbroath or Ayr or not, they'd not be able to have that layout in the league we are in. Makes it a bit of a pointless argument don't you think? You can suspect all you like, I don't think it's based on anything more than that, if the council had said as much why isn't it mentioned I'm any council plans? Also, a football academy is castle different to a 20k stadium don't you think? Ones ever so slightly bigger than the other... As mentioned previously Aberdeen have said repeatedly that safe standing is an option depending how the trial at Celtic park goes, no part of that suggests the current proposed design couldn't accommodate it. You're making that assumption purely because there's seats there just now despite the club saying there will be a standing area if it's called for and works.
  9. Well that's not been my experience any time I've used it but ok let's assume every bus is jam packed during rush hour. Do they only run during rush hour? Nope... the prices will reflect that, propping up the times the buses are basically empty so that the service is even remotely economical. Now if there's a proper shuttle service with a much higher utilisation per bus don't you think they could be much cheaper if the drive is there to do it? I'd have thought that's fairly common sense. Relies on it being done properly though admittedly. That's not really true, safe standing is allowed however has to be the rail type seating only from what I can tell, you also need a different type of licence to have a safe standing area if you've already got an all seater stadium. Probably not a huge deal but would still be applied for and accepted by all parties (football authorities and councils) So yeah QotS could still use their terraces but they'd need to install rail type seating for it to be used in the majority of the competitions they'd be in. Regardless of how many types of cheap safe standing are used throughout Europe it's only the rail type seating permitted in Scotland. They'd need to be locked open for all European competitions going on the link below. (Note the cost difference too, kind of blows the cheap point out of the water, although I do agree we need a safe standing area. https://stv.tv/sport/football/clubs/celtic/289210-explained-how-safe-standing-would-work-in-scotland/ It doesn't matter what aberdeen say about booze at football, it'd take a huge change for it to be brought back, one club won't force that issue. I'd imagine it's the space available firstly, can't imagine there's enough land feee without using at least some of the golf course, again some of the more clued up posters could confirm but with access/egress, the stadium and space around it required before you even look at any fan facilities outside it seems like a lot to fit in and not much space without the golf course etc. Hardly the "enourmous" space you're making out if we exclude the course anyway.
  10. Maintenance is shown in the accounts if you care to check. I suspect there's significantly more involved in the maintenance required to maintain a safety certificate too although I'm sure one of the more clued up posters could explain exactly what is involved. But aye you crack on with your nonsense
  11. I've not seen any mass claims about free buses, suspect you're generalising based on a couple of wildly optimistic comments. Basing the costs on existing public transport costs for a route that's very much under used and priced in a way to try and make it economical isn't really representative either. The simple truth is nobody knows what it'll cost until it's properly costed. I'd reckon It stands to reason buses operating closer to capacity can be run at a cheaper price than the current almost empty service but that's just how I see it though. As far as I'm aware as well a standing area requires a different licence, something which Celtic have for a trial to see how it works. There are also rules on the design of safe standing areas etc too so you're wife of the mark there. I can't see why the club saying they're keen for standing and they'll evaluate further once they see how it works in reality is downplaying anything, you're just twisting things to suit your agenda now. They've said time and time again there will be a safe standing area if it works. It'll take more than the club supporting it to get booze in the stadium, it'll require police and government support, can you really see it changing any time soon? Also you mentioned beer at German games before, isn't that still very low alcohol (I.e near enough non alcoholic) beer served in Germany? Certainly was last time I was there..which is near enough pointless to be honest. No idea about seaton, haven't looked into it but suspect it'd have the same drawbacks as kings links and would still require buying the golf course.
  12. The club have said they will put on buses, That's different to saying they'll be free though. I've not seen a single person claiming they will be either. Maybe I've just not seen it every time it's mentioned, been trying to keep out of this lately as I've had better things to do. As for standing, the clubs already said there may well be depending on how the Celtic trial goes. To say it's a universally held belief that an entire side or end will be standing is nonsense from what I've seen, maybe I've missed that being mentioned in every arguement too though... As for the wish list: The transport links needs work, completely agree there. I don't think it's as bad as some make out though and will be fine in time. Given the lack of suitable alternative in the city centre it's a case of being as good as possible rather than anything perfect. Standing I've mentioned above. Cheaper tickets, well it's been the case for years that tickets should be cheaper, same goes for the current stadium. Any new development has to be funded so that there's no increase st the very least. Booze inside the stadium isn't really in the clubs hands is it? They've included a supporters bar in the plans to help with the booze outside the stadium though. Saying it needs to be city centre is all well and good but where's the suitable site coming from?! I've yet to see a single site that's not been shown to be unfeasible on here let alone under the scrutiny of any kind of full study. The basis of ticking a lot off that wish list is there. It just needs to be developed. Making it easy to get to and affordable is a challenge but it's obviously the aim. Making sure the site whether it's kingsford or Loriston or anywhere gives us proper facilities and ticks as many boxes as possible is what the club seems to be trying to do from what I can see.
  13. Not 100% sure if it's free across the board, it could well be though. l know it's free for the big teams etc. The way it's handled in Germany is fantastic, really hope they try to follow suit. The infrastructure in Germany in general is lightyears ahead of anything in this country. It doesn't mean it will or even has to be free though, a cheap reliable set up would do for me... surely not a stretch of the imagination.
  14. It was only a week or so ago you were slating the club for letting the stadium (and pitch) fall into such a serious state of disrepair, now it's not only fine but will be for the foreseeable future. It may be functional just now, anyone with eyes can see it's not going to remain that way for any significant period of time. I'd have dearly loved to have a modern, suitable stadium that'll last us years and let us progress at pittodrie, that ship seems to have sailed a long time ago though. I hope you don't expect any kind of fact to be taken on board do you?
  15. We've a (barely) fully functional stadium just now I'll give you that, saying it'll easily last 10 years or so more is a bit of a stretch though, the place is falling to bits and will only get worse. Would you really throw good money after bad to try and keep it going in the hope we can miraculously stumble upon a new technique to allow us to build something suitable on the existing site? Would any number of new materials etc address the fundamental lack of space taking the regulations for access/egress into account? A 12k stadium would be ridiculously small too, surely you can't truly believe it's a viable option if the club hopes to maintain its current level let alone progress? Agree about the full steam ahead with the training facilities, going on what I've read from those more clued up than I am on these kind of things means I really can't see any alternative but moving the stadium though, regardless of whether it's kingsford or elsewhere. That ship seems to have sailed a long time again sadly.
  16. Isn't it? What other viable, affordable options are there?
  17. Very true... what other option is there to have a suitable long term stadium without a mortgage? Even your daft/impossible rebuild pittodrie pipe dream will involve a mortgage. Who's said they would be free? Nobody from what I can tell... basing the cost on an underused service priced to try and make it profitable isn't really representative is it? Yes it'll cost, using that as a huge negative without having the slightest clue about how much proper shuttles will cost is bordering on hysterical, assuming the worst possible scenario. Nothing like twisting the truth... the club have said they'll see how the trial Celtic are carrying out goes before committing, pretty sensible don't you think? Plenty time to tweak it if it's shown to work, the licensing is sorted out and there's the need. Carry on misinterpreting what's said and droning on about lies though
  18. Out of interest, what are those prices based on?...
  19. I'd completely agree, I doubt the plan is for any kind of significant increase in numbers, it's the improved efficiency etc that will boost the income.
  20. I seem to remember from the various exhibitions etc that the quantity of the corporate facilities proposed isn't much more than currently offered however Yule etc made a point of saying it was designed to be much better laid out, I.e all corporate sections can share facilities such as kitchens etc, which isn't the case just now. So the boost to corporate income would be more down to efficiency savings rather than increased numbers. Agree the corporate offering in the RDS is very good, the main stand wasn't great last time I went with work but hardly awful. Agree they shouldn't go over the top with corporate facilities to the detriment of the standard tickets although in fairness it doesn't look like they have.
  21. How many of those have you actually been called? Just out of interest
  22. McInnes also quoted as saying Jack has told him the Rangers doesn't interest him. https://stv.tv/sport/football/1385843-jack-tells-mcinnes-i-m-not-interested-in-rangers-move/?utm_content=bufferd8347&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  23. Seems McLaren have already basically admitted it's a move to appease an unhappy Alonso, rumour has it he'll be allowed to race in Le Mans too, again under the McLaren banner.
  24. The worst part about today is that we got beat 3-0, that wasn't a 3-0 game... we played well (although didn't close down enough for the majority of the game) yet threw it away in a mad 10 mins spell. We were a much better team today, we just didn't show it when it counted.
  25. Every game is must win, there's no need to single st Johnstone out as anything special though, they're not. No idea why jack and O'Connor were arguing but the fact O'Connor was hooked before Taylor is staggering.
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