let's weigh this up:
lost passport, fail
returned passport, win
great story, win
penguin onesie, win
gambling my match ticket away, fail
getting to the match anyway, win.
judges scores are in... yeah its a win
Anyone consider that it was rejected purely because its not the right change?
As the article states, not all decisions require an 11-1 vote, maybe they're trying to get a fairer system than a blanket 9-3 majority.
We need to get away from this kind of pish straight away, players make mistakes, they always will make mistakes. Yes Langfield fucked up at that goal but you could also point the finger at the defence not bothering to mark commons(?!).
No point blaming one person for the result of 90 mins of football.
Thrashing Hearts without scoring is just one of those things in football, we seem to have clicked now and goals are coming more freely, enjoy it rather than moaning about what could have been. Its a tight league this year, it wont take too much to keep climbing.
There's a huge difference between planning for the future when Brown decides to call it a day and punting him. I'm all for having a plan in place for when he decides he's had enough but right now I'm dead against punting him.
Perhaps not but it depends on how you look at it.
Unbeaten in the league since... day 1 isn't it?! (could be wrong, cant be arsed checking), now scoring goals, playing decent football, beat 2 teams performing very well in the last 2 weeks, respectable league position and in touch with those above us...
Yeah its pish isnt it!