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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Edinburghdon

  1. :lolabove: :lolabove: Found those photos when i was packing my camera earlier on tonight, might upload them....
  2. Hmm worryingly it appears that your right. previous statement has been retracted
  3. just looks like you were cuddling up to him, which i'm sure no one will be surprised at considering your views on the man!
  4. Disappointed he didn't manage to copy down some direct quotes, would have livened up that rag of a paper!
  5. Can't really recall anything negative being said to him in holland to be honest. Apart from someone thinking they were clever having their photo taken with jimmy whilst slyly giving him the wankers gesture.... Don't think anyone shared their views properly with him though.
  6. you've thought about that far too much, far far too much....
  7. What were his comments? Ahh on second thoughts im not interested, we deserve better!!! BOOOOO! SMG!!
  8. Two fantastic posts, which i have trouble finding a single thing i disagree with!
  9. NO!! Bad Mizer! Thats too positive! Very bad Mizer!!! Twice
  10. Thats an imaginative analogy which serves to distract from the fact your point is based pretty much exclusively on your opinion. I'll give it 2 thumbs up well done. :thumbsup:
  11. Its still based purely on what you think will happen though. I could come up with a witty formula taking Dundee Uniteds traditional end of season collapse and our habit of finishing strongly, but as it stands i cant really be arsed so there! Do i win now?
  12. Why? did you? oh hang on.......
  13. Who's picking on MiniJC? as far as im aware i entered into a reasoned debate??.... Your entitled to your opinion but you really don't know if we will beat Dundee United to 4th or not until the final outcome is decided. Yesterday did show a tiny hint of improvement as well, we had a decent spell in the 2nd half in which we dominated. People are going ridiculously over the top with their negativity, making things out to be much worse than they are
  14. Do you honestly think that once they reached those 5 wins then they will just stop? Thats a minimum target minj, something to aim for then kick on from. Still waiting on this messiah you've found us.....
  15. I guess this is where minijc's "argument" unravels, i take it no one on the HAT has answered this question so he's unable to regurgitate someone else's opinion....
  16. find it quite funny that you already assume the team have failed a full 6 games before the season actually finishes..... So who do you suggest we can bring in that can miraculously turn aberdeen into a team of world beaters capable of challenging the OF on the same budget as we currently have, i'll even let you ignore the fact the we would have to find the money to pay off the current management and pay the compensation required to sign this messiah you find us.... Go on then!
  17. Things have to be taken in steps, i've said it 3 or 4 times already but you still seem blind to that. Aberdeen are still being taken, albeit slower than most would like. I'm not saying Calderwood is doing a good job, or that he's doing a bad job, all i'm saying is that things are alot more complex than your making them out.
  18. Did you pay even the slightest bit of attention to the point i made about having the resources to challenge the OF? its not an instant process Minj, and its not as simple as wanting to be challenging the OF. That kind of improvement can only be done in steps, the first one of those being regular European participation, which is what the team are currently trying at achieve. You seem to be doing a great job of this going on how you seem to be "supporting" the team. I don't think it was a coincidence at all that the team showed a bit of spark yesterday and that the football improved slightly after the crowd got behind the team a bit and became a bit more vocal in support of the players, instead of being very very quick to get on their backs.
  19. Both miller and calderwood have been quoted in the press as saying that a cup final and European qualification was the goal for THIS season. The unrealistic expectations comment was in relation to the thought that we should be challenging for the league etc, which was i'll admit, a pish comment to come out with. Doesn't change the fact that your twisting their words to suit your own petty arguments.
  20. You sound like your spitting mad over all this MiniJC whats up? Are you just upset that you haven't been invited to our big top 6 celebration party? Understandable really, missing such a huge event... Jesus give yourself a shake min and stop regurgitating pish you read on the hat. I very much doubt you would find even a single person here who is content at only finishing in the top 6, its pretty well documented that the goals this season were European qualification and success in the cups, now obviously the cups have gone tits up for us, but Euro qualification is still a possibility. You seem to be using this top 6 pish as another shoddy argument against Calderwood and his expectations and quite frankly its bollocks that has grown from the ramblings of a minority of the support. You keep mentioning this next level but can you suggest a single manager that can take us to this next level of regularly winning things and a sustained challange on the OF with out current budget? The fact is its pretty much impossible to do this with our current resources, a few more European adventures to reduce the debt allowing more investment in the team is pretty much the only way that we can kick on, at this stage we could have Mourinho in charge and we still wouldnt reach this "next level". I'm not saying for a second that we should stop trying to improve or that i'm 100% happy with how things are just now but significant improvement is not a quick and easy process achievable by replacing calderwood. It's a real shame that most of the aberdeen "supporters" spouting the same tired pish as you seem to be letting a dislike of calderwood get in the way of backing the team, after all isn't that what fans are meant to do? support the team? Whereas you just seem to be salivating at the thought of sacking Calderwood MiniJC, I honestly find that really quite sad.... *awaits tired "you lot will get the team you deserve blah blah blah..." response*
  21. Do you even have one example where this has happened?
  22. Ahh and the best place for calderwood to talk things over with fans concerned with where he is leading the team is outside the main stand post match, surrounded by boozed up "fans" carrying out a shambolic protest? Genius! I propose that we sack the board and place MiniJC in full control of the club, he's obviously the man to take the club to this fabled next level. There was me thinking that Aberdeen ran a fans forum or AGMs for that type of thing. Like it or not everyone has had the chance to "talk things over" with calderwood, that chance hasn't been taken. today was nothing more than an attempt to stir things up by people who dislike calderwood.
  23. that broke out in the RDU at one point too!
  24. To be fair i wouldn't say we were looking for a draw today at all, sure the performance wasn't too good but the 2nd half was a bit of an improvement and we created some decent chances. Ultimately we were good value for the win. Its almost as if people are complaining for the sake of it now, using any slight complaint to back up their personal grievances with calderwood. I'll admit things aren't fantastic just now but some people need to give themselves a shake if they honestly believe they are as bad as they are making out! Oh and i was there, having a right good laugh as i passed your pathetic little "protest" G20 it was not....
  25. Took a wonder round past the main stand just after full time to see just how many people would be stupid enough to actually turn up! Must have only been around 20-30 people hanging around, leaning against the car park fence, no chanting no actual demonstration, nothing. Hopefully they all realise now just how ridiculous an idea it really was and to use their energy actually supporting the team, after all they do seem to be claiming to be ""aberdeen suporters". Although i get the impression their personal hatred of calderwood will stop them ever fully backing the team while he is in charge. One final point, not hard to see why the protest died on its arse after seeing the attendees, talk about the shallow end of the gene pool!
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