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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by Ptayles

  1. I'd be more than happy to see JC get the job. Done quite well/half decent at the clubs he has been at. Would love to see the Scotland players on a holland trip every summer though
  2. I know the tim that tweeted him... Absolute fanny at the bets of times
  3. Things sounding cracking today.
  4. Ive went for 5th. Should be aiming higher but just cant see us doing it
  5. So... Still no news and the game is due to be played in 7 days. Cracking. Can see my £50 that Ive payed for bus and ticket be fucked
  6. Supposedly Gary Teale is away to sign for them also
  7. So when will they actually know if its 1245 or 3pm? Fucking shambles
  8. 80 79 78 77 Andrew 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 Penfold 68 67 66 65Ptayles 64 Madbadteacher 63 tmwtm 62 dave_min 61 Kowalski 60 Glasgow Sheep 59 One Bobby Clark 58 tenementfunster 57 TLG1903 56 Scotfree 55 jmo 54 Mizer 53 RTYD 52 Manc_don 51 Jute 50 BigAl 49 CtS 48 - Tyrant 47 Maverick Sheep (wanted 55 though! ) 46 45 - Azteca1903 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15
  9. Kenneth is one object i dont want to see in a Dons top. Never rated him and never will. Absolute pish
  10. Could be in jail by then...
  11. Quicker someone turns up at the front door of Ibrox with a bulldozer. The better. Get them to fuck
  12. I cannot believe I payed 23 quid to get in tonight.
  13. Ptayles

    Friday 3.30pm

    Big weekend for myself. Easy one tonight. 21st Tomorrow night. Turn 21 on Sunday. Champion of a weekend.
  14. Pish. Absolute dire. Cant remember anyone who was anywhere near half decent.
  15. Ptayles

    Anchorman 2

    I really like the first one... Would easy put in my top 5 films.
  16. Osbourne, Clangers, Chalili and McCardle. Said yes to Folly but totally depends on fitness. Was tempted to give Mawene a yes also... Looks solid but too many silly mistakes and slow as fuck
  17. Ian Beale will be In eastenders till the cunts in a coffin
  18. I think If Chalili got a few starts under his belt he might grab a few goals.
  19. In/oot: Out prematcher: Work match: Work Postmatcher: Work Prediction: Shite
  20. In In the Corperate RDL Corperate then god knows 2-1 Dandies
  21. Can only hope!!! But cracking to wake up to though Also appears the players have lost faith in Fenlon anyway
  22. Got my ticket through today. Any idea who will be supporting- All it says on the tickets is "& Special Guests
  23. On the bright side... Did anyone else see the bottom of the Page? "22 year old Cat found Safe"
  24. Pretty pish line up to be honest
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