I hope the cunt gets done for mooning the huns! And can deek young be that good every week? Kerr was immence...sending off my arse...huns are shite-thats all
Build it on a boat and dock it across the road form union square.
Has anyone pointed out the top end of the links? Its just grass and nothing else and it must be of some use and cant cost too much to purchase
Makes nae sense when they say rebuilding would take away half the capacity- would it not make sense to do one stand at a time of they were to do that...but i cant be done with it being out in Cove its just too much hassle to get out there
His agent seems to think that Mulgrew is now bigger then the club...And anyways it shouldnt make a difference if we another good set peice taker at the club-We are coming too reliant on them
Last time i was down(A few years ago) saw no trouble until i got back into waverly when there was Hibs fans chasing dons fans and the police running about after them-I was only about 15 or 16 and it was shit scary