Aye, we were in disbelief with that too. Literally all I remember him doing was falling over the ball at the Liverpool bi-line and laughing about it. Sturridge who was apparently not match fit had just chased him back the entire length of the park. I'd have given Sturridge the MOTM the match award because his introduction made a game of it but TBH be honest I don't think anyone stood out.
I LOLed out loud at the Man Utd fans saying "Webb is a scouser". Counted at least 2 occasions when the ball came off of a Man Utd player over the bi line only for Man utd to get a free kick.
Anyway. I think it was a fair result more or less. Maybe you could argue that Liverpool deserved a point but over all they were second best. The first half was so one sided that i really feared a pumping.