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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Tyrant

  1. Bet he's gutted he turned down all those offers of £2.5k per week from Aberdeen now.
  2. I can't believe folk are surprised. The guy was clearly fucked up.
  3. I fucking should be. My gambling record is amazing. Although probably only because I don't do it that often. The £20 I placed on Murray to win the US Open after the Wimbledon final was a masterstroke if I do say so myself.
  4. This is what I was shouting out for to be honest tbh. It's something that I would have liked to see but at the same time AFC club players would probably see red for that. Someone binned Fraser in the second half and I was looking for Josher to sort him out. But then we scored.
  5. Gambling's a mug's game. That's why I only do it when I know I'll win.
  6. FFS FUCK SAKE MANC DON THE HIGHTLIGHTS DINNAE WORK!!!!!11!11!1!11 I've seen the goals again on Youtube but couldn't find the highlights. I want to see the Maybury tackle again because I never saw it properly. I was surprised at Willie Miller basically saying on the radio that Fraser was used to it. Not the right attitude I don't think.
  7. The less attention cast their way the better.
  8. Apparently Venky's didn't want him to leave. Would make sense since they were doing well this season. I've got only respect for Steve Kean. Been treated pretty horribly and showed class throughout. If not an amazing manager.
  9. Wow! This is the second time in my life that I've watched golf on TV. The first being pretty recently also although I can't remember the name of the tournament. I've never been a huge fan of golf, especially watching it on TV but you'd have to have been deid (or not have Sky Sports) to not be glued to the TV last night. Amazing viewing. The yank fans annoyed me but I figured we'd be exactly the same when it's over here? Anyway. Kaymer held his nerve really well. I was about shitting myself! Amazing stuff.
  10. Tyrant

    Friday 3.30pm

    I never go anywhere other than Slater Menswear. There's usually bargains to be had too. Try their website.
  11. Sportsound last night kept saying that it hadn't been arranged yet.
  12. No one knows.
  13. There simply were no highlights.
  14. That's what I forgot to say. I was really pleased with Clark in the second half. He was probing and effectively at that. Only for Hughes to waste a free kick in a dangerous position. I thought Considine was excellent. He's really becoming one of our most valuable assets. I used to shit myself when he was near the ball (like I do right now when the ball goes anywhere near Langfield) but I have confidence in Considine now. Having said that about Clangers he did indeed keep us in it yesterday with a couple of really smart saves. Although I thought it was a bit rich in the first hlf when he was giving players a bollocking for not shouting! Minutes earlier he failed to command his area forcing Reynolds to fly in and head the ball behind (and almost into his own net). Good saves though.
  15. Absolutely. I was fucking enraged with that. It wasn't much better at half time. The horrible fucking smirk on his face was equally horrible. I had sympathy for him when he was dropped because he didn't deserve that at the time but that behaviour was disrespectful to the club and everyone associated with the club. Fuck off you lazy cunt. MBT got it spot on when he said Floodlit robbery. Because that's what it was. We waited until the 90th minute to play. Anderson was superb when he came on. His bravery in winning the ball actually led to our goal. Good play from Rae and then Smith with an equally good finish from Vernon. Although the 90 minutes prior to that were torture. We made Dunfermline look really good. I was distraught at the possibility of another 30 minutes of that so I went mental when we scored. Sheer relief. In the hat now which is the main thing.
  16. I'd probably swap with ye tbh be honest.
  17. Boy's a prize pleb. I'm not saying Obama has all the answers but I'd feel a lot safer if Mitt Romney was kept as far away from the Whitehouse as possible. Look what happened the last time such a spesh got elected.
  18. I can't wait for the excitement and drama of a penalty shoot out. £15 is a bargain.
  19. I was going to say I could give your wife my phone number so she can let me know when if you're hit by the proverbial bus but having thought about it for a few seconds longer I don't think I want your wife to have my phone number.
  20. FFS sake, Reekie! There needs to be two players closer to the goal line than the attacker, nae 1!
  21. No. As I made clear in the other thread I'm thoroughly delighted that I left early. I'm only going to this game so I can look down my nose at those who didn't go as a real fan.
  22. Where did you hear this, Mav?
  23. That's the advice that I'll be following as soon as I'm old enough to quality for a mid-life crisis. What's the qualification age btw the way?
  24. It's cooled doon a bit then. We were in the 30s from early in the morning. But do yersel a favour and GTF fuck off Donstalk on yer holiday, eh?
  25. Fuck sake. I'm going to the game
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