Why does this bother you? Do you actually think that or is it because you don't like Liverpool as a club? Actually it doesn't matter - either excuse is pathetic to be honest.
This is not about one club or another. This is about 96 men, women and children that died. No one doubts what happened was an accident but that's beside the point. 96 people died because of firstly, a poor choice of venue made by the FA, secondly because the police opened exit gates to allow fans to flood in and thirdly the emergency services' failure to deal with it professionally. Then on top of that medical help was knowingly prevented from getting to the scene and to top all this off the police realise how momentously they've fucked this up and then go about changing scores and scores of statements to try and get themselves out of the shit they got themselves into. Meanwhile the families and friends of the dead (not having been through enough apparently) have to read (or hear about) the utter, utter reprehensible blatant lies printed by The Sun. But you want the families to just "accept it was an accident"? The situation could have and should have been dealt with in such a fashion that lives would have been saved. This didn't happen so for that surely an apology should be made. But never mind that. Let's try and turn it around and blame the fans eh? The people responsible for the cover up should be fucking locked up along with those whose actions worsened the death toll.
Liverpool fans have campaigned tirelessly for justice and I'm so very happy for them that they've finally got it. Better late than never. I've heard this "wollowing in self pity" shite before but I dismissed it as anti-Liverpool shite because when I fully learned of the events of Hillsborough and the cover up I immediately understood straight away why the fans were relentless in their efforts for justice even if it did seem like they were going on and on. I was at a game a few seasons back and the Kop held up banners and chanted "justice for the 96" non stop for the whole half. I understand why completely.
I have no affiliation with Liverpool although I've followed them since the 90s and I'm honestly proud of the fans. Their loyalty to each other is amazing.