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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Tyrant

  1. Tyrant


    Have you tried using Firefox?
  2. Oh aye. I forgot he was in the car. Definitely racially motivated.
  3. It was indeed. Not happy about it at all and I don't understand why it's there in the first place and then why it's tolerated. Shocked to read that Clangers is getting told to die on the internet. That's nae on. But I agree with the sentiments of most. Ja Brown is the better of the two and deserves to be in goal. Despite his own fuck up against St. Mirren last season he grew in confidence and is a better keeper partly (or mostly?) because his command of and communication with the defence is non stop. Sadly it does look like he'll be away. And even if he acted with the utmost professionalism (which I admit he maybe hasn't done) I still think CB would have kept faith with Clangers and that he'd be in goal again for the next game. Langfield is a fucking bottler. Always has been. He's happy to admit that. He's happy to lose goals. He never expects to keep a clean sheet especially against Celtic so even if he makes a couple of half decent saves from Commons (which, for the record I would have expected any professional keeper to make. Neither of them were that outstanding) he's still going to fucking throw one in if it looks like Celtic aren't going to get their winner. Royally fucking pissed off with Langfield. I too have defended him (although not since he came out in the press and admitted that he was a bottling cunt and that he was used to shipping goals) but the time has well and truly come for him to follow Darren Mackie oot the door and not to let the door hit his arse on the way oot.
  4. Can I have the panic button back please.
  5. Sickening. Although we didn't have much going forward neither did Celtic really although I concede they had more of the ball. Langfield's gaffe wasn't surprising. Which underlines why the fuck he shouldn't be at our fucking club. Get him to fuck. We are all Jason Brown. Bring on Ross Cunty.
  6. IF Clangers is in goals tomorrow my reaction would be this: Fucking smashing. A goalkeeper that's indifferent to losing 9 goals in a match because as he admits himself he's "used to it" is not what we fucking need a Celtic Park. Fucking cancel the season ticket eh.
  7. I automatically panicked there when I saw Clangers was no. 1. I assume Broon will still be our no. 1 choice?
  8. They're the dog's bollocks.
  9. I know. I just like to live life on the edge.
  10. I have been known to reach 78 in a 70.
  11. The wooden seats are gone I think but the amount of space hasn't changed I don't think?
  12. Nothing gets past me.
  13. You can't get away with playing the ignorant card, min. My old man does that. I'm not sure if he's serious or trying to wind me up. Does no one have common sense any more? If you say someone is black or African-American that's not automatically racist. Obviously. A lot depends on the context. John Terry isn't a racist because he said Anton Ferdinand was black but because he called him a fucking black cunt which, of course, absolutely is racist even if it could have been a stronger word than black. And Afro Americans aren't named after the hairstyle. Not sure if you're being serious there. And it's less a hairstyle then just the characteristics of their hair? I'm starting to think GD was being sarcastic!
  14. Aye thanks for that. Tbf be fair that was almost 10 years ago. And I was going downhill with a tail wind. And I thought I saw a hun on the road. Not quite. It had seatbelts. But thanks to the sand lodged within them they didn't really work.
  15. Maybe it's more fun beyond the speed limit, aye. Pushing it further and further an' that. I dare say you're right but if like me you've been used to driving relatively slow motors since you passed your test an Impreza won't need to be going flat out to be enjoyable. I can appreciate your opinion on their looks. I'm a big fan of 90s looking cars in general but especially 90s Jap. I love the Evos too although I've never owned one. As for ginger ugly...
  16. Everyone exceeds the speed limit. Sometimes accidentally, sometimes on purpose and usually not by much. I'm in that boat. I'm too worried about getting points on my license to drive like a tit and I'm not naive enough to think that I'll get away with it. Especially not in a motor like an Impreza where cops will watch you like a hawk. The Impreza has mental acceleration. Which is awesome fun to drive. But having fast acceleration has nothing to do with the top speed. I've accelerated quickly but never driven anywhere near the top speed. Overtaking is a breeze in that car. I've never been caught speeding (touch wood) in the Impreza because once I've accelerated to the speed limit I'll not go any faster. The bottom line is that you don't have to speed to enjoy driving an Impreza. Away from the speed and acceleration the handling and drive are a joy to experience. Being a VW enthusiast you wouldn't know anything about that. I like VWs. I owned one not too long ago and it was an absolute workhorse that never let me down. But it was hopeless when it came to driving enjoyment. Admittedly the model I had wasn't really built for that. The 4x4 factor was also an attractive one at the time as it was winter and we'd had a couple of nasty winters previously.
  17. I turned on the game just in time to see Suarez's dying seconds free kick. Oh how much I would have fucking laughed if that had went in.
  18. Sorry. That number means nothing to me without some sort of graph to illustrate things.
  19. Tbf be fair I never knew that. But I assumed it was because I lived in Holland in the late 80s and early 90s.
  20. Either 1, 2 3 or 4.
  21. I realise you're probably fishing but fuck it I'll bite. That's not a hard one to counter: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201148432765128/sort/default/make/subaru/postcode/ab244la/radius/1500/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/advert-type/featured-listing/dealer/323718/usedcars?logcode=flp You can find buckets of almost any car for next to nothing. Buying the car is the easy part though. It's running it that's going to price the average ned well out of owning one.
  22. I'm surprised their season ticket sales are doing well.
  23. Must've improved in the second half? The little ginger cunt was on TV this morning bleating about how Helsinki were lucky they only lost 2-1.
  24. Aye. And also players like Rio Ferdinand.
  25. Jeezo. Fuck that! £26 is too much for even a full view. That's taking the piss. Was it a better view if you stood up?
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