Where's a "Give up on the SPL" option?
That's what I'd do. I couldn't bring myself to watch that (I can barely watch it as it is) after them bending over backwards to flatten Rangers' path to the point where they're getting next to fuck all by way of punishment. If the pussy 10 lube up and vote the Huns back in just so we get a couple of thousand unwashed minks into our away end a couple of times a season (at the most) then I'd be fucking done with this shite along with many others. Come to think of it would I fucking bother with #cupfever? Probably fucking not. Rangers will probably end up stronger than they should at the end of all this Admin stuff and I'd still see them as cheating their way to league and cup success. Scottish football has been terminally ill for years. This pandering to Rangers shite will drive enough fans away to kill it.