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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Tyrant

  1. Upon reading their blaze comments regarding Scottish football and Hibs my first reaction was to feel a little offended. But then I realised that I have far worse things to say about Scottish football due to it's embarrassing shiteness. They can still, however, go and fuck themselves. League one isn't ony better.
  2. If Anderson stays fit (big if) then it's no problem whatsoever.
  3. This thread has enriched my day. Thanks to everyone involved. Top stuff.
  4. Jesus. Every cunt moaned that he wasn't getting a testimonial and now every cunt's moaning that he is! Good news though.. I hope he gets a decent team to come up. Not like Fulham or Everton or Bolton or Liverpool or any shite like that.
  5. I'd imagine it's more a case of nae cunt wants to pay him what he's asking for.
  6. Fucking fit like then, folks? Nae long back from Miami. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Hot sunny weather and far less tourist molested than I had expected. Plenty of Cuban folk though.
  7. Nae much cooler than it will be in Miami when I get there on Thursday.
  8. I also fail to see what the problem is now? We've got plenty of other stuff to moan and greet about.
  9. I have been countless times. Aye there are chavs going about but fucking hell where do chavs and neds not exist? It's no less or more of a shitehole than places like Machester, Glasgow and Birmingham.
  10. You could have just said "Aye" and saved everyone a bit of time. I'd hardly call our Donstalk run-ins as "conversing" but nevermind. I talk to hunners of folk. There are plenty of sub-educated twisted cunts on my Facebook too. Nae quite sure about the last thing you said. You've clearly tried to guess some things about me there and you've guessed wrong!
  11. Maybe if they occasionally got a fucking game they'd score? And Maybe if we had even one fucking spark of creativity to create them a fucking chance they might just dare to stick it in the back of the net. Charlie Allan can fuck off.
  12. I never realised how old you were, Rocket. Is it the fact that you're impotent that makes you such a miserable, pretentious and argumentative cunt?
  13. If I was a glory hunter I'd follow Man Utd like most other cunts up here. Or I'd support one of the Old Firm, again like most cunts up here. I support Aberdeen and follow Liverpool yet some silly people actually think I'm glory hunting? Fucking lol. Mourinho has made clear many times that he has a lot of time for Liverpool and he appreciates the club. He would have taken the job when Rafa got sacked. Woy was the cheaper option for the owners at the time. Whether he'd take it now I'm not sure but it's not beyond the realms of possibility like you're suggesting. Given the right pay packet and finincial backing in the transfer market I don't see why not. I've always found Liverpool to be a nice place when I've been there. My favourite part was a wall outside Goodison Park that had "Die Rooney, Die" spray painted on it.
  14. "No need to be nasty" coming from Mr. Scientist. I actually don't disagree though. But I think a certain pwoud Mr. Ferguson could learn more form that advice than Kenny. The second part? Probably. Many, if not most managers are thick though. I want him oot and replaced by Mourinho.
  15. Aye I've always liked Martinez.
  16. Why would you not be "allowed" to speak about Liverpool getting pumped? My issue was with non footballing matters being magnified in a thread that's about fitba.
  17. Interesting points about Jim Traynor. I'm actually a big fan of his. I thoroughly enjoy listening to Your Call and I also was of the opinion that Tom English was a good addition (especially compared to that nasal voiced bint they had on previously.) I thought it was kinda funny that he was Irish, called English but working in Scottish football. Not that funny mind you. Having said all that I've not caught the show for a few weeks. But it did always seem to me that Traynor had little or no time for either cheek of the Old Firm which obviously I relate to. Having not caught much of the show recently I've not really had a chance to see that change. Although I think you have to remember that a huge percentage of his paper's readers (or picture-looker-aters) are Old Firm supporting mutants so if he's constantly alienating Old Firm fans he'd eventually find himself out of a job. Deep down I really don't think he'd have any regrets seeing Rangers fuck off and die.
  18. Liverpool 1 - 2 Wigan. Luckily I knew that would happen and put a fiver on Wigan at 11 to 1.
  19. Oot. Holiday in the USA of America.
  20. That's going to sort our lack of creativity problems right out!
  21. I was in the process of hanging myself from a beam in the South Stand and a steward cut me down. I had to kick the shit out of him for saving my life. On a slight (and more true) tangent.. has anyone actually seen the "stewards"? Thank fuck there's no riots or crowd problems. Quite what those wee prepubescent wankfuck spotty knob ends would do about it is beyond me.
  22. Then there is much emptiness in your life, FJ.
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