Booing him? Is that all that happened? Imagine booing an opposition player. For the love of fuck what is the world coming to? The boy wasn't in tears because he got booed. If he was he's in the wrong job. Someone said something to him. And by all accounts it was one moron, not more.
I plan on booing the fuck out of Aluko in a couple of weeks but there's going to be fuck all racist about it.
I've been to Anfield umpteen times and never heard anything remotely racist whereas at Pittodrie I have. Although granted I've been to Pittodrie a hell of a lot more times than Anfield. There was a black Liverpool fan being interviewed outside Anfield the other day and he said in his 30 years of going to Anfield he's never heard anything racist either. Let's not treat this as anything other than the unfortunately timed isolated incident that it is, eh.