Just because there hasn't been a public one doesn't mean there hasn't been one. As Kenny said umpteen times in the press conference that I saw yesterday there's a lot of what went on that simply isn't public. I'm one of the very few who follow Liverpool that don't think Kenny is the man to have in charge long term but personally I thought he handled that press conference brilliantly despite all the arsehole reporters asking their shit stirring questions. I've been strongly against racism for as long as I can remember. Ask anyone who knows me. I've thought about this a lot and if Suarez had called Evra a nigger or a black cunt or something like that the guy would have lost any backing from me but unlike most who've witnessed this case from the outside (which is everyone except Suarez, Evra and the people involved with the hearing) I understand that cultural differences can be huge and the reason I will continue to back Suarez is that I genuinely believe there was no real harm meant.
Liverpool are not appealing. That should be it.