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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Tyrant

  1. Ken fit like mad kids are these days when they're boozing. It was after the Partick game so I doubt he's broken any rules by going out boozing. He could have jumped in for a laugh or jumped in because he "wanted to kill himself" but in all likelihood he was probably so steaming that he winna remember why he did it. Nae that big a deal if you ask me. Let's get him better and support him and hopefully he can get on with becoming a good signing. He's showed rustiness on the park but he's a good player and I think it's mental that folk are writing him off already. All the best GMS min.
  2. Tyrant

    BBC pay

    I'm a big fan of Cosgrove (and Cowan) and enjoy listening to them. IMO opinion there are far bigger wastes of money within the BBC.
  3. I found myself getting excited when Thumb scored his two free kicks against England. Deep down I'll always support Scotland even if the players on the park are generally cretins that are embarrassed to be Scottish and managed by an even bigger cretin whose bitterness is obvious. Rocket's right. It's a defence mechanism.
  4. As soon as Celtic got their 1st goal it was tie-over. But it was delightful watching Andy Walker squirm on SSN. He said they're shite at the back. Nothing we didn't already know. though.
  5. What's his real motive Rocket?
  6. It'll go on as long as Floyd lets it. I'd like to see Connor win but I'd also like to see Aberdeen win the league.
  7. Don't really believe you but if true that's fucking pathetic. Pricks.
  8. I assume it's about the obviously tongue-in-cheek but pretty distasteful comments made over on the Hat. Some No Kingsforder has run to the police like an absolute fud and I find it utterly pathetic. Nothing has driven (no pun intended) my support for the new stadium more than the utter clusterfuckery of the NKS mob. They've been an embarrassment and a disgrace and have let everyone down with genuine concerns around the new stadium.
  9. Nah. It's nae the dog's fault it's owner is an ignorant cunt. We want all the benefits of being the most advanced/intelligent (fucking debatable!) species on earth but none of the responsibility. It's us who should ken better, nae the dogs.
  10. You seem surprised? I'm nae.
  11. That's a relief because if I'm wrong then I'll be reliant on his forgiveness. Another one for the list.. Folk who don't bother their selfish arses to cleanup after their dogs. I always seems to be dodging dog shite whether it's in toon or further-a-field.
  12. Grown adults that have the ability of a newborn baby to control their emotions. The arrogance shown by (anyone but especially) religious types looking down on us non-religious types. And the arrogance of humans who for some reason believe they are more important or more valuable a life form than others. "Kill all seagulls. The cunts wake me up" and the like. Gtf with that shit.
  13. Their Colombian boy (fuck trying to find out his name - don't care) looks nae bad tbh honest. But if they punt Miller they'll be losing one of their best players. I heard Ryzo Jack described as "a player willing to have a go at defences". Maybe verbally aye but nae by playing fitba. That was pretty baffling.
  14. He should just snap out of it like Ryan O'Leary.
  15. I thought Greg Stewart had an immediate positive impact when he came on on Saturday. He doesn't shit himself when he gets the ball and he seems assured in possession and looks to make something positive happen. Christie had his worst game in a reg shirt but still didn't hide. They're both players that I'd love to sign permanently.
  16. Denied.
  17. Nah mate. It just wasn't funny/clever/interesting.
  18. Tyrant

    Andy Murray

  19. Correct. Which is why I'm absolutely convinced that this red card will be swiftly over-turned along with a grovelling apology.
  20. Bet even that doesn't detract attention from King Consi-dong though.
  21. Or add a K sound to the end of words that end in ING like "somethingk"
  22. Aye but every step of that was played out publicly. And we were Lee Miller's 127th choice.
  23. Hook, line and sinker! We still pronounce the language infinitely better than the English who supposedly invented the language. Most of them can't pronounce Rs which is why many with English as a second language can't understand them.
  24. No but The Red Final took the liberty of illustrating the goal in MS Paint really well. Feel like I've seen it a hunner times now. Cracking assist from Wright. :thumbsup: I'd post it but I canna get the FB Book here at work.
  25. Nah min. Yer jumping wildly to conclusions. He's full of effort from what I've seen. Even in the friendly the other week against Brechin he was itching to score. Give him a few games and let him find his feet before we condemn him eh.
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