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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Tyrant

  1. Jesus! Why didn't anyone tell me about the current social position on wallets?! I've been carrying one around like a mug this whole time. Still though.. it's handy for my season ticket and Costco card.
  2. Try Photobucket. I think it's the image hosting site you're using that's stopping it from directly linking.
  3. Does it nae go in yer wallet with the rest of yer cards?
  4. 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 MBT 83 82 - EdmontonDandy 81 80 - Ten Caat 79 78 - Rico 77 76 75 74 - Tyrant 73 72 - Elgindon 71 - manc 70 69 68 - Tom Widdows 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
  5. I like the ones that NKS registered fraudulently claiming to reside at "empty" properties that weren't empty at all and had Yes to Kingsford supporters biding there.
  6. Certainly raises some interesting points. But had to laugh at the bit at the end where he claims all they've ever wanted was a level playing field. Don't make me laugh. Neither of the cheeks have ever been interested in that.
  7. I don't rate Steve McClaren at all and am quite happy to see Hearts take a(n expensive) punt on him.
  8. I'm completely unaware of any new system or how it works.
  9. Fucking any excuse min.
  10. From 10 guesses to one guess! Far's the pic then SeeBass?
  11. Tyrant

    Andy Murray

    Aye because this isn't:
  12. Tyrant

    BBC pay

    Oooft. IT is like every other dept. They have good folk and bad folk. Overpaid folk who do fuck all and take credit for the work of others and who often have little to no understanding of wtf is going on. Then you have the clever cunts who do all the work and get abused by colleagues in other depts because they're frustrated that they don't know what they're doing. I don't know if IT is over or underpaid in general. If anything I'd say under (obviously) but they certainly don't get the fucking basic human respect that they deserve. Some of the folk I've worked with over the years have been treated dreadfully and usually it's because some thick cunt can't get a grasp of something and lashes out. The IT folk that have an understanding of what they're doing (which admittedly isn't everyone) and can talk to people are worth their weight in gold.
  13. I can only recall about 3 or 4 of them tbh honest.
  14. I live 30-40 minute walk away and I still can't be arsed going most weeks. You boys coming up every week from wherever are mintal.
  15. You going then? I'm nae.
  16. Why do NKS continue to pretend that they're not building a brand new bypass?
  17. I've suddenly had the urge to listen to Oasis.
  18. Flares seem to be a common part of continental football. Those fans are all a lot more fanatical that the gormless pricks that drag themselves to Pittodrie on a game day. Every game in Europe (domestic or otherwise) seems to involve countless fucking flares. Are these clubs fined every time? If they are then either the clubs are happy to pay the fines or the fines are just a token gesture. Didn't Celtic incur some sort of punishment when they set a flare off? Since then they've not really been seen in their support. Just wondering why most other clubs seemingly don't have a problem with them. We should have got Dundee United disqualified for chucking a pie in the general vicinity of Jamie Langfield at Tynecastle back in the King Jimmy era. That affected him for the rest of his Aberdeen career and he certainly never performed well at Tannadice after that. I dare say Joe Lewis was unaffected by the flare.
  19. Factually incorrect. It was actually the other way round for me. When they first came onto the scene I couldn't stand them. "Yellow" was never off the radio and I hated that song. But by 2005-2006 I had all three of their albums and although I usually don't like it when bands/artists deviate away too much from why I like them in the first place but for me Coldplay have evolved nicely and continue to produce absolute belters. Seeing them live made a massive difference. Blew me away. "Coldplay are depressing" is a line I used to hear a lot and now their style isn't anything like that anymore and ignorant people still say it. You have to be dead inside to not feel amazing listening to Strawberry Swing. The problem with listening to folks' opinions on music is that 99 times out of a 100 they've dismissed the quality of a band without making any effort whatsoever to actually listen. I've always felt the Beatles are overrated but haven't spent very little time actually listening to them I don't go around constantly saying it.
  20. Tyrant

    BBC pay

    Interesting point. Do you not think they should be paid the going rate? At the end of the day they're employed to maximise the company/charity's performance and profits. Whether the end goal is to pay dividends to wealthy board members or to provide the blind with guide dogs is irrelevant surely?
  21. Some boy messaging the DT FB account laying the blame "100%" at the feet of Velez.
  22. When the group is made up of 10-15 members (and maybe some youth hingers-on) and of them "a few individual members" are looking down their noses at anyone who's nae them then that can very quickly constitute half the organisation or more. So I'm not sure what you take exception to exactly.
  23. Nice one SB. I saw everyone's favourite player Andrew Considine last weekend but never asked him for a photo. The last player I got a photo with was Ryan Jack and we're all too aware the cruel fate that he met! (and I don't mean me)
  24. You might have missed out on a wee wedge from the bookies but the resultant laughs and memories are surely worth more.
  25. Very welcome news!
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