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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Tyrant

  1. Tyrant


    Aye Hacksaw Ridge was a good film. As was Get Out which I saw last night.
  2. Tyrant

    Hatchet Face

    Fuck her. Fuck the Union. Fuck the terrorists. The ones with brown skin and the ones with white skin and suits.
  3. Well you've pretty much proved the point of my post word for word. YOU have let genuine NKS campaigners down. And as for the bit in bold don't make me laugh! If the shoe was on the other foot and someone was arguing for the stadium on the NKS facebook page their posts would be deleted and they'd probably be blocked. Typical of this football forum is that people generally don't get banned so you'll be welcome back here and free to make valid points on June 20th whatever way the result goes. Although I suspect you won't be back because you'll have to be up at Kingsford chaining yourself to trees to stop them being bulldozed.
  4. Johnny Hayes must be up there too. Although I'm afraid I'm also not armed with any evidence or facts to back this up.
  5. The petulant and bratty attitude on show here leads me to firmly believe that this is exactly the same idiot who runs the No Kingsford facebook page. That places makes North Korea seem tolerant. Anyone who wasn't foaming at the mouth about how the proposal wasn't in keeping with the surrounding area was banned and their comments deleted. Again they've been their own worst enemy from the outset. Fools.
  6. Broadchurch.
  7. This is what's wrong with the No campaign. It's no secret that I am not in favour of a new stadium at Kingford. I don't like the location and I'd prefer a location closer to the city centre. Spaces there are at a premium and the club missed a trick when the land around Pittodrie became available. That's in the past now and it may not be possible to suitably update Pittodrie. What I would have liked is a firm, fair and reasoned No campaign which offers solutions and not just problems. You and the other voices of the No campaign have let me down. Your campaign has been an embarrassment from day one and your posts here have been a disgrace and that was after I gave you the benefit of the doubt for the strange Jew comparison. You come across as bitter and small minded and I think I'd take almost as much pleasure in seeing your face as the first stones are layed at Kingsford than you do in anticipation of George Yule losing his job. It's my firm belief that this project will go ahead and the shambolic No campaign has to take much of the blame.
  8. Cathro's nae even in charge now. He's a low paid fall guy. Hearts were a disgrace. They had a good chance to go ahead and probably should have but as soon as we scored I could tell they were beaten. From them taking centre after we went 1-0 up it was just a case of how many more we'd score. Something I've seen a lot of from AFC in the past but is becoming a distant memory under DM McInnes.
  9. Schalk is an interesting one. I remember Deek said that County have one or two players that earn more then out highest earner and I suspect Schalk is one of them. So not sure what could be done there with regards wages. I don't think he's worth breaking the bank for. I guess it's the only way to entice some players that far north.
  10. Tyrant

    Vehicle keys

    Old Nissan Micra was my first (and best) ever car. Fucking thing ran and ran and ran faultlessly despite often being neglected in terms of servicing. Brilliant. And aye. Car dealers are fucking scum bags. I've worked in ile, the public sector and in the car trade and I'd much rather work with the biggest fucking oil wankers in Aberdeen for the rest of my life than any car salesman cunts even for one day. Absolute fucking cretins. But I digress. As Rico entertainingly put it you can do it yourself. The info is available online. Best of luck.
  11. FFS. Nae this Central Belt pish again. Firstly I don't think it's an issue. I don't know if it was an issue? Some other posters have covered all that. But how is a Central Belt bias (if there was one, which there isn't) not better than a South East bias? I'd be a Yes voter whether there's a bias towards one part of Scotland or not. Surely if you feel there's bias towards a particular area you'd be more inclined to vote yes? If we can vote for our own government we're more likely to get issues like that sorted. All irrelevant IMO opinion.
  12. That problem can be easily solved by not picking up, buying or looking at fucking bullshit media rags.
  13. You must sit near me then because that was the consensus round me too. McLean easily MOTM the match.
  14. Fucking hell, Theo. That's cheered me right up.
  15. It has been answered. And the answer was that it would "break David Cameron's heart if our family of nations broke up". But it's also been answered by the other side. Anyone who takes even a few minutes and investigates the plethora of freely available information available can quite quickly see that we're a big source of income for them. And that if we were independent we'd be significantly more wealthy. I hear the "we'll just send our money to the central belt" pish too. Well firstly the North East has it's fair fucking share of junkies on giros but secondly surely this is better than spending £400m on redecorating the Queen's hoose?
  16. I'm tired of hearing about how "we don't want a divisive second indyref". Fuck off. It won't divide us more than we already are, have been and will be forever. The cunts that roll out that line or the "we voted no 2 years ago, accept it" are infuriating. These pricks are so scared of independence that they have managed to convince themselves that the political landscape hasn't sufficiently changed to warrant another indyref.
  17. I see your point but the point of the image still stands. We can't restructure (or redecorate) the big hoose until we have the keys. I agree with you regarding Holyrood. But what I think/hope will happen in the event of a Yes vote is that politicians and their political parties up here re-invent themselves. I've said in a few places now that I'd like to see SNP vow to disband in the event of a Yes vote to re-focus on other issues that they feel they should base their policies around. Labour have no choice but to disband IMO opinion. We need to start again with a clean political slate. If it was up to me we'd have our own currency too.
  18. My Subaru has a spare but I think it's a space saver. If it didn't come with one I would have had to buy one. Not dicking about with stupid cans of foam.
  19. I thought Stockley was poop on Saturday tbh honest.
  20. I enjoy politely interacting with my colleagues in the morning and have not had an official complaint raised with HR about my lack of morning greetings. Unlike Stewart.
  21. Rumours of Indyref 2 being announced today.
  22. Space savers? They're a thing of the past now too. All you usually get nowadays is a can of tyre foam that you empty into the flat tyre so you can "limp" to a garage. It's a fucking disgrace.
  23. I've enjoyed listening to Johnny Cash ever since I saw "Walk The Line" aboot 15 years ago. Not many Cash songs that I don't like. From the very first stuff to the last stuff. Hurt was probably the first song I'd heard of his. Cash was really good at reinventing songs of other people in his later years.
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