I was involved in similar "debates" on Facebook recently. Couldn't believe some of the shit I was reading. Folk convinced that "Trident protects us every minute of every day" and then in the same sentence they've got the cheek (and ignorance) to call me stupid. It's also amazing how everyone can get so mad at SNP for voting against these WMDs. They harp on about jobs and I believe one person was of the opinion that "losing Trident would kill the local economy". I'm nae expert on Trident but I believe it holds about 1200 jobs? Half a million jobs have gone from the Energy sector and I'm still waiting for the local economy to crash. I find it hard to put into words how frustrating it is listening to fucking spastics who are pro-Trident just because they're anti-SNP and who put 1200 jobs above the safety of everyone living near where these weapons are housed or living near where these weapons are eventually deployed. These thick fucks have no grasp whatsoever of how fucking nasty these weapons are and how pointless they are. I have never been more keen to separate ourselves as a country from these bat shit crazy war mongoring pychos.
And these same folk have the cheek to look down their noses at America and their bollocks political system and their fucking bollocks political candidates.
It's all fucked. Corbyn's leadership is maybe questionable but he is our only hope.