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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Tyrant

  1. That's British nationalism for you. Meanwhile they're shouting out about how Scottish Nationalism is poisonous. Aye it's poisonous to you aforementioned British wankfucks.
  2. :laughing: :wave: Don't let the door hit your arse on your way oot. Your wild stab would be wholly incorrect. Unlike 99.9% of No voters (and, I'm sure some Yes voters too) I am actually able to grasp how big a decision this was/is and, as you're aware, have been unable to just passively dismiss it.
  3. Oh Jesus. Not the "get over it" pish again. That's even more tedious than us still going on about it. Bad football result, losing your debit card, speeding fine, missing out on gig tickets, knee injury or getting a puncture. All examples of things that you can "get over" given time. The rejection of independence from a war-mongering, elitist and fundamentally corrupt from top to bottom nation like the UK isn't something you get just "get over" if you've got 2 fucking brain cells to rub together. Will you be one of the masses fucking off to live in other countries once Scotland becomes independent? :wave: Or are you one of the numpties that actually thinks it won't happen?
  4. Fit aboot the Android loyalists that pay the same for inferior products that are just as fragile (arguably more so) than their Apple counterparts just because they're not apple? What Samsung or HTC phone doesn't break when you drop it, like?
  5. Most of them aren't bothered about responding though. You could tell the spastic (usually female) no voters a mile off with their "I have my reasons and they're private" line. I went to see Kevin Bridges last night. One of his jokes was about a man that he was talking to in New York. The man was saying that he can't believe Scotland rejected independence. He mentioned historical figures such as Robert the Bruce and William Wallace. And Kevin said "That's all very well but we thought Asda were going to bump up their prices. There's only so much we're willing to pay for crispy pancakes." It would've been funnier if it was so tragically accurate of the average No voter.
  6. Here's how it works: The UK holds a general election. More people vote Conservative than any other party so Conservatives get into power. Shortly before that Scotland voted on and rejected independence. What this means is that we cannot break away and then vote in a government of our own (highly unlikely to have been a Conservative government) but that we're stuck with whatever government other, much more populous parts of the UK vote in for us. It's literally what we voted for. We deserve every tiny bit of depression and misery that comes from our government in Westminster because all the "British" wankfucks and the pussies that let themselves get bullied voted no. Happy days.
  7. Surely it makes sense to add a layer of protection to an expensive bit of hardware? You can buy the 99p ebay ones or you can buy the £25 Apple ones.. Essentially they do the same job. I prefer my 99p one because it's a lot more minimalistic than the funcy Apple one. Almost looks like there's not a cover on it. A big part of how I justify the expense of iPhones is their re-sale value. No other phone has a higher re-sale value. And the better condition it's in the more you'll get for it. So when the time comes to move on to another handset a large part of the cost is offset by my old phone. I never had to carry it around like a new born and I've dropped it and sat on it countless times and even volleyed it one time! (Male instinct when you drop something and your hands are full ) So from my experience not only is the iPhone the best smartphone on the market because it's hardware and software are designed to work together but it's as robust as anything else that's out there. If and when my phone breaks I'll update you all.
  8. We voted for this. We've got what we deserve. Everyone stop complaining so much. This is democracy.
  9. It's funny that folk are commenting about the play-off in 2003 being the last time they gave a fuck about Scotland because this morning during the commute to work I was dissecting this whole mess in my head and I found myself thinking that I hadn't been passionate about the national team since that heart-breaking play-off in 2003. Sure I've supported them. Even last night I promised myself I wouldn't get wound up and that I didn't really care but more fool me I found myself agonising when Ireland scored and when we spunked a stoppage time equaliser. Naismith and Ritchie were our best players on the night. Fletcher, S came into the game more as it went on and got a decent goal. But not enough of our players play for the shirt. It's fucking sad when one of the few players that seems to give a shit and sing the anthem was English. Why can't I support my national team with the same pride and passion as when I was a youngster? The gleeful Tims on Twitter openly supporting Poland last night Celtic's official Twitter account wishing luck to Ireland, the team we're competing directly with for a place at the Euros A manager who picks players based on... based on fuck knows what!! Players playing game after game who show no form, passion or even effort Many of the Scottish general public will support England or Ireland based on what fucking spastic religion they are. And most of our players seem to be in that same boat Players automatically in the team despite never playing for their club Pick players who are proud to play for their country and will give 110% because even youngsters giving it full effort will do better than those journeyman pricks that stopped caring when they realised it didn't matter how shite they were - they'd still get a game. Scunnered with the whole thing. Luckily for me Dutch blood runs in my veins also. With Holland being a footballing "superpower" I'm sure to have at least 1 team to follow at next summer's tournament....
  10. So what do you do when you're on the toilet? Phone folk?
  11. Tyrant

    Gun control

    I found myself thinking about this this morning randomly enough. I can understand the point of view of the folk that feel safer with them, ironically purely because of the sheer number of (bad guys with) guns out there. It's very difficult to remove rights. Public disarmament is unlikely I guess. But if they did go down that route then I don't agree that it's too late. They could offer an incentive to give up your guns. Money or something? Folk would do just about anything for a bit of money. Whilst the black market would increase the number of total guns would go down because many people would rather surrender them legally for an incentive rather than try and sell them on the black market. Whist it's highly unlikely that all guns would ever be surrendered it wouldn't be that hard to reduce their numbers and the less guns out there the better surely? It's up to the American people. Maybe they should hold a referendum. It's in the constitution so if officials want to change that the people would need to agree. Or 50% plus 1 would have to agree!
  12. Tyrant

    Gun control

  13. Win the next game and I'll feel a whole lot better.
  14. Cheered me up no end after a shite Saturday!
  15. Not true? If you know of a phone with an unbreakable screen please do share because that's something I'd be interested in! Although having said that I have dropped my phone countless times from varying heights on to various surfaces and no part of it has ever broken. Even the edges are like new because it's always been in a silicone protective case. It cost me 99p from ebay. Please to explain how the iPhone is overpriced but the Samsung Galaxy s6 Edge, for example, isn't? Folk only whinge about the Apple stuff being overpriced, even though most other brands are as well, because it's cool.
  16. Needless to say the goals stopped in the Arsnal/Mancs game as soon as I started watching. The Merseyside derby was really entertaining for the neutral. End to end and played at some pace. Both managers obviously had no problems in explaining to the players that this is always a must win game. Embarrassing dive from Barkley in the second half. Not a peep said about it as he's young and English and the future of the England midfield. Emre Can is fucking hopeless. Get him to fuck.
  17. Can you provide evidence to support this claim?
  18. When all that shite with that bird was kicking off it just seemed to be him deflecting attention from a team (and manager?) performing poorly. It seemed to work because that's all anyone was talking about. But now all that's in the past and they're still doing shite he's under a lot of pressure. Spent a lot of money too. Although is it him that's spending the money or Abramovic? Or a committee? I don't care. I'm quite enjoying seeing them languish to be honest. I also think Mourinho will turn them around. As much of a colossal bellend that he is I do think he's a good coach. I just wish people would stop listening to the nonsense that comes out of his mouth. Apparently refs are "scared to give Chelsea decisions". What about the penalty that Southampton should have had on Saturday, Jose? Ye prick. Shocked that he got the boot. I went back and fore on that one.. I feel a bit sorry for him. He's a decent manager. This transfer committee nonsense hasn't helped him. Although I don't think Ancelotti is the favourite to come in. I think it'll be Klopp. I'm not convinced by Klopp. But maybe he can help attract better players? Not sure. But I don't think Liverpool's problems were all down to BR.
  19. There's a shop on Crown Street in Aberdeen that sells that sort of stuff. I can specifically remember that Willie Miller photo being on display in the window. Not sure of they have an online presence. It's called Aberdeen Framing. There's also this place which is based in Bridge of Don in Aberdeen: http://www.sportmemorabilias.co.uk/ EDIT: Aberdeen Framing website: http://aberdeenframing.com/
  20. Agree with you. Never noticed the groin feeling thing funnily enough.
  21. I felt at the time that McGinn was taken off because he was playing shite. I didn't get the impression that he was injured at all?
  22. Tyrant


    Went to see The Martian last night. Not a bad film. Tries a bit too hard in places to be funny and went down the route of a retro soundtrack like Avengers which didn't work IMO opinion but still well worth watching.
  23. It's fashionable to dislike Apple. Aye their gear is over-priced but it's about the same price as all the lastest Samsung Android gear as well. IOS is built for the hardware. Unlike Android. So generally runs a lot more smoothly. Whilst you can't really customise it all that much only geeky wankfucks care about that. Unless you've got a Nokia 3310 you've got a phone with a screen that'll break. No matter if it's HTC, Samsung, Apple or Blackberry.
  24. If it's just the front glass definitely tackle it yourself. If I can do it anyone can. Just setup a wee tray and have a screen next to it so you can follow a youtube tutorial. It's nae that hard.
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