I said exactly this earlier today. This is devastation I've not felt since my Mum died or my Dad had a serious accident.
I'm seeing a lot of people piping up with "Stop crying over spilled milk." And "Grow up" and "I've seen people spitting venom at each other over this!"
These idiots are completely oblivious to just how big an issue/opportunity this was that we've just spunked away. Even I probably didn't grasp just how big this was. To all the idiots that voted no because "If we don't get the extra powers promised we can just have another referendum in 5 years" (and there were many people saying this) they now have the country part of England they deserve.
If I was Westminster I'd give us absolutely fuck all. Why should they? I expect nothing and I don't blame them. I blame us.
Watching the No folk celebrating this morning sickened me. And they were being interviewed and they were being asked for their reasons and still all they could come up with is "I'm proud to be Scottish and British and we're just better together."
Pish. I believe they're proud Brits but I don't buy that they're proud Scots.
My Ma would be turning in her grave is she wasn't in an urn on the corner shelf in my Da's living room.
Just completely distraught, I know I'm not one to suffer long term bitterness () but this is going to be a very hard feeling to overcome. There are a lot of people that I'm struggling to look in the eye that I have to rebuild bridges with. Very difficult. My kneejerk reaction is to fuck off to America too. Britain is turning into America but without the good parts like the food, roads and weather (in some parts).
D_D, min, sort me oot a job, eh.
Yours, A very disappointed Tyrant.