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Saturday 29th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Motherwell


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Everything posted by Tyrant

  1. Don't sell McGinn.
  2. I think he's done fairly well in has last 2 outings. I'd say it looks encouraging. But then again I thought the same after seeing Zola play against Killie.
  3. FFS sake. Taylor had a shocker but how have we still got that goalkeeper at our club. It's at the stage now where I'd rather have Robbie Winters in goals for games against Dundee United. Why can't he play against them?
  4. First time I can remember a team being dumped out for an offence which seems to occur relatively regularly. Fucking sickening.
  5. I thought we did ourselves proud until the last 5 or 10 minutes when we managed to fucking ruin it all. Am I the only one that's pissed off that we managed to lose that game? The goals we conceded were purely as a result of losses of concentration. Their poor finishing helped at times but we should have won the game on the night at least. At least I have my Thursday nights back.
  6. Hibs fan on my Facebook said it was a deserved red card...
  7. Too wee. Those types of pricks are wasting oxygen as well as a vote. And as for the currency (non)issue... what's the problem? In the event of a yes vote we'll use the pound. Most likely within a currency union. And if there's not one then that's fine by me. Plan A: £ with currency union. Plan B: £ without formal agreement. Both fine by me. A currency union benefits the rest of the UK surely. So Westminster are going to be keen to negotiate something I would've thought? Although they're not going to come out and say that as it would damage their own campaign.
  8. I thought Salmond did clearly better than Darling. Having said that I missed the first hour so that fits in with what DD Don said about how he started poorly. I too am getting sick of every cunt thinking they're an expert but I still can't help but feel pissed off at the spastic reasons that some spastics are voting no for. I'm sure there are spastics who are voting yes for the wrong reasons too but at least they're guessing right. Did Salmond clarify whether he plans to step down from politics if there's a yes vote? I can't help but feel that would net a few undecideds.
  9. Agreed. If Vue did a loyalty card and had free parking I'd never go to Cineworld.
  10. Barbecue in a remote Catalan location?
  11. Rules: 1. One name per points tally for the season, first come first served! 2. Allowed to change guess at any point as along as it is to an empty tally 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 - MBT 79 78 - Tyrant 77 76 75 74 - BigAl 73 - BobbyBiscuit 72 - Edinburghdon 71 70 69 68 - Manc 67 - Nellie The Don 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 - Tom_Widdows 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
  12. I assumed he was at a barbecue.
  13. And when you factor in that Spain is generally shite it's bad news all round really.
  14. You implied it then. At least we've managed to argue despite the fact that it looks like we essentially agree. Cheers. D_D.
  15. Pretty sure I didn't say Gerrard was better.
  16. He's shite. Obviously Kris meant this Brown:
  17. How could I forget Dave min? Dave min is referring to the meeting of two internet legends. One of them is obviously me and the other is of course Minijc. And then after the game I bumped into Dave min. Not literally, like. I tend to watch where I'm walking.
  18. That disappeared before the Groningen away game which was on that channel.
  19. It'll be on Premier Sport again. Anyone know if it's on anywhere in Inverness? Long shot but I'll be up there on Thursday night.
  20. I don't agree that he is "the most complete" midfielder. Although there is no question that he's one of the very best that England has ever produced. I went for brown.
  21. How? We're both agreed that both Gerrard and Scholes are top class players. You're just trying to stir up a bit of a rubble!!
  22. Salmond should get on that. It'll convince billions to vote yes.
  23. Tony Watt to Standard Lierse for £1.2m. So on the Tony Watt scale what do we reckon Pawlett is worth? I'm going for £3.6m.
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