Aye. He alienated them all with "constant use of the terms knob jockey and wank fuck".
I've never had a burning ambition to leave Aberdeen. The weather can be crap at times but it's never bothered me that much. I've thought about moving abroad before but never really looked into it a whole lot. Since 2001 my family's been shrinking. Dropping like flies in fact, and now it's just me, my two sisters and my Dad left (in the UK) and my Dad is 80 years old. Although remarkably fit for a man of his age I still make a point of visiting him once a week because he needs help around his house and garden. (I'm a pretty experienced tree surgeon thanks to him and just last weekend I had to chop down another tree). My sisters are both away so moving away really isn't an option for me right now. But since I don't mind Aberdeen as much as some of yous it's not something I'll ever be resentful towards him for.