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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by BrownyBrown

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8208267.stm Point for MarkyMark (Formerly JimmyJimmy)
  2. Test. Seems to working fine here.
  3. Well if we're going down the crazy Russian bastard route, how about I call Trump an 'insane American megalomaniac'. You see, its the same thing I've done here.
  4. Right, so I'd assume that you'd also take Vladimir Romanov's money if he wanted to take control of the club? Same thing, isn't it? Lets be clear, no-one is going to invest that sort of money without any return and certainly not as any kind of 'goodwill gesture' to win favour for a golf complex, to which its only link to Aberdeen FC is that its nearby. Madness is people thinking that Donald Trump would want anything whatsoever to do with Aberdeen FC.
  5. Perhaps. My thoughts are that I don't think he would have any concept of loyalty to Aberdeen Football Club. For all the criticisms of Stewart Milne I don't think he'd let us go to the wall whereas a different investor / chairman I would bet wouldn't blink at closing the doors of the club if it were necessary. It may be parochial, but I'd rather see a local businessman with at keast a passing interest in the club rather than a Vladimir Romanov / Rich Arabian Oil Tycoon etc. at the helm. Its a pointless debating exercise anyway.
  6. Donald Trump can keep his fucking money. I don't want that American twat to have anything to do with my club. As for Miller, I believe he genuinely has the best interest of the club at heart. He is in the thankless position between the fans and the chairman whom fans who would like to see his bald heid on a spike atop Union Bridge. I just don't think he's too media savvy is all.
  7. Did they even see the scenes in Manchester when the huns were in the UEFA Cup final?
  8. I like the bit that he somehow ran us into the ground (4th place/Europe) but left us with a fantastic legacy of youth players that will be the future of our club. Thank you Jimmy.
  9. There are Hibs fans who would swap their last back of smack to support a club as famous as Aberdeen.
  10. I see there are no direct quotes for the 'salary cap of 65% of income' headline however surely its not as straightforward as that? What if that cap on a club in the SPL which has a low income (e.g. StMirren/StJohnstone) resulted in them having to spend less than they currently do now - thereby being forced to pay smaller wages and somehow expecting quality to increase as a result? I agree that a review is needed, I'm just not sure the SFA/SPL/whatever is the best body to do it. Anyway (barring Bohemians) since when have we required to learn anything from Irish football?
  11. The truth is that McGhee will be measured not by what he says in the media, and not by the international or 'top quality' players that he tried to sign but by what the current team achieves on the pitch. So far, we've had a fairly embarrassing Europa cup exit and a start probably no better than JC ever managed in his time. He has it all to do now. McGhee has got to deliver results in the cups (i.e. QF, SF or Final) and ensure we don't go out in an embarrassing way like we did so many times under Calderwood. He also has to be challenging for a Europa spot next season if we are to progress from what JC did. Not easy given the constraints in finances at the moment. Just like under JC I could not give a fuck what he says or does not say in the media.
  12. That certainly seems to be the thoughts from the kind of morons who wanted us to lose so that JC got the sack Stoney? Give it up man, the JIG / JMG debate is over. Get over it.
  13. So before the transfer window closed the club were concerned about the lack of depth in the squad and that funds would be available to sign 3 or so new players to appease the support. Quote: "possibly a striker and a right mid" Suddenly once the transfer window closes, fuck all has been spent and we're told that the squad is big enough as it is. I'll give you Ifil because we've never really replaced Anderson. Nelson doesn't count as its a direct replacement for Bossu and Grassi is only a youngster himself. I'm with Cts on this one, it just doesn't add up. It wouldn't be so bad if he'd said at the outset: "look guys, tough year credit crunch and all that so we're going to have to keep our pennies in our pocket and promote all the young lads to the first team for a season or so".
  14. Oh well, at least we managed to get rid of Derek Young... Oh wait....
  15. I think we should be fearing them all.
  16. £125 is fairly good value for money for this sort of thing, considering its a fundraiser too. What are AFC supposed to organise that is inclusive for the majority of the fan base? A ruck at the Douglas Hotel car park? I got a freebie invite to this last year but couldn't make it, hopefully this year too.
  17. Well I hope we remember hard learned lessons from the past about washing our dirty laundry in public. I agree with the point that there is no room for sentimentality, particularly at the expense of success or progress however its not really a desireable situation. Aberdeen legends like, Gordon Strachan, Joe Harper and Stewart McKimmie I have no time for, mostly due to their inane rantings in the media. However club stalwarts like Leighton, Irvine and Simpson should be shown the respect that their hard work and committment deserves. A club is more than a collection of people that are paid to 'do a job' and thrives on the passion of the people who support it - in any way they do so. They are the lifeblood behind the scenes and the club should be doing as much as possible to maintain that. I have no doubt that both JL and MM have the interests of the club at heart in all their actions, and so its disappointing to see that they can't manage their differences or relationship and move things forward (if that turns out to be the case). Its pretty hard to comment without knowing much more about what went on.
  18. I thought we'd at least wait until the transfer window closes....or is that it?
  19. Maguire too, and he also gave youth a chance with non-homegrown talent such as Aluko and Walker...in particularly high profile matches too. I'm well aware that Diamond and Considine had their debuts before JC, but he continued to support them to the point that they became regular 1st XI players. Of all the criticisms that had been levelled at JC: tactical ineptitude, poor motivation, crap training sessions, substitution blunders etc. I don't think lack of support for our younger players was one of them.
  20. Bit different from being a 'pish' coach, no?
  21. Yeah: Considine, Diamond, Maguire, Paton, & Pawlett never got a chance under Calderwood.
  22. Great insight there. I certainly hope Jim & AFC have parted on good terms, he's been a great servant to the club. Could this be to do with financial constraints at AFC? I'd agree that it's not a critical role, and I'd rather see any resources being put towards the players budget at this moment. All the best Jim.
  23. I was under the impression that AFC declined to participate in this with the University and Council. Therefore I'm sure they'll tell us to whistle, and rightly so.
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