It's pretty depressing that this isn't even remotely surprising anymore.
I'm pretty sure that there was a time when players had to be genuinely injured or have a good reason to pull out of an international squad instead of picking and choosing when they played.
The SFA should have clamped down back when Fergushun and his blue-nose team mates were constantly at it. Sadly now it seems to be the norm that all the players think they can get away with it and treat international call-ups as an irritating side project which they can pick up or put down as they please.
That was a fucking terrible performance. I can't believe that was almost the same side as played at the weekend. Didn't look interested, and completely lacking in ideas going forward.
Link works for me. I only fixed it in my original post, not Tom's quote. Try again. Maybe with Firefox. If that don't work I dinnae ken what to tell you.
Starts off as a fairly standard football juggling video, but takes it to ridiculous extents by the end.
SevCoach1690, only they'll try to airbrush out the fact that the original one went up in flames, going in the huff and threatening anyone who refers to The New Coach.