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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

Nellie The Don

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Everything posted by Nellie The Don

  1. Absolutely fantastic news. Scottish football is saved. I think the governing bodies should all be proud that they've managed to agree on such fundamental changes with only 18 months notice.
  2. Indeed. That'll be perfect. We know from experience that none of our players will get injured during the season, on account of excellent training surfaces and first rate physio.
  3. They should get hammered for this. If not against the letter, it's certainly against the spirit of their signing ban, and they're showing utter contempt for the judgement against them.
  4. Mark McGhee, your time of destiny is upon you!
  5. Wtf the fuck. When did it become BBC editorial policy to publish Rangers' press releases directly without any comment or context whatsoever? You might expect to see an article like that on the huns own website, but it's pretty bizarre to see it being published as 'News' by the BBC.
  6. Yeah, but that was pretty much a self-evident truth even before this came out.
  7. Tbh be honest, if Scotland needs to reduce the number of senior clubs, and I think it does, quite drastically, Dunfermline seems like a perfectly good place to start. Why not bin Raith, Cowdenbeath and East fife at the same time. One senior club should be enough for a place the size of Fife.
  8. Are you suggesting that his age makes him unable to do the job?
  9. I don't think that any of this talk of replacing Brown is particularly helpful. He's doing a good job and moving us in the right direction. As long as this is the case it should be his job as long as he wants it. His age is totally irrelevant.
  10. I can't believe what I read today either. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_REkgXByDyuU/SPhL67OQd8I/AAAAAAAABMw/ldyvCnQRGHs/s400/bronze+rat.jpg[/img]
  11. You've taken that to far. Racist homophobic scum they may be, but nobody deserves to be compared to the huns.
  12. Finally, we have a winner. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-20690632 Job done Bilbo.
  13. How the fuck did he ever land another management job after us? Bristol must have been pretty desperate.
  14. Never mind that they're not allowed to sign anyone until next Christmas. Funny how the S-hun story starts off by saying why this couldn't possibly happen, then goes on to print it anyway. Fuck that tapping-up shiterag of a newspaper, fuck Rangers, and especially fuck Traynor whose greasy pawprints are all over this, cunt that he is.
  15. If we're going to have a 'Celeb Deaths' style game, I call Noel Edmonds Pete Waterman Uri Geller John McCririck
  16. Thoroughly unsurprised, and not in the slightest bit concerned. Enjoy Woking, Ryan. Next?...
  17. The truth is that nobody really knows all of the pitfalls and benefits until it's actually been done in practice. Give it a try for a couple of competitions, and if it turns out to be shite, they can go back to the old model, no harm, no foul. Instinctively I quite like the sound of the idea.
  18. That's an utterly contemptible article, full of hear-say and insinuation about Stokes that can barely be called journalism, and certainly offers no benefit or genuine insight to anyone reading it. The only demonstrable fact about him is that one of his long term friends was a widely understood to be a notoriously unpleasant person. Edit : To be clear I'm not denying that Anthony Stokes is, in all likelihood, a real nasty piece of work. Just saying that is a terrible piece of journalism.
  19. I remember at the final, it was before drinking on the street was banned in Glasgow, and a whole bunch of Dundee and Aberdeen fans were quite happily drinking together on the grassy bank (if memory serves, near to where ASDA is now) which was the last place you could have booze before the stadium. This wee ned in his vauxhall nova (or similar) with ridiculously oversized spoiler and exhaust got stuck in traffic, right in front of the crowd. Presumably having forgotten what day it was, he had decided to wear his rangers (remember them?) top, and when the crowd spotted this, an extremely localised shower of half-empty beer cans formed on the bonnet and roof of his car. The best part was there was absolutely nothing he could do but sit and take it until the traffic loosened up enough and he could pull a three pointer and speed away. Two cops came slowly walking down from the stadium, with the air of not really being arsed doing anything about it, but by the time they got there it was all over and everybody had assumed an innocent look of "who us? Nah, wouldn't hurt a fly, mate. Look, we're even sitting drinking with the other lot." That was a chuckle.
  20. On cue: "Nae chunce for Scotland"
  21. Cues for Scotland.
  22. As awful as this seems, consider the source. www.pissingonthedead.jingo.co.uk I wouldn't give credence to a single word from that fucking rag.
  23. Couldn't. Give. A. Shit.
  24. Give over. Season after season, club officials have been getting slammed on here for not showing enough ambition in their rhetoric. (Aiming to be a top-six team, yada yada yada). From Craig Brown's comments after the match, it seems to me that we really need to get past the mentality of assuming Celtic are better than us. They may have more resources and (arugably, although I'd dispute this) some better players, but they're still just another football club, only 4 points ahead of us. One thing they do execptionally well is to create the impression that they're some massive untouchable institution, and thus have teams play into their hands by showing far too much respect. It's all just smoke and mirrors. We absolutely (still) can win the league, and this mentality needs to get drummed into the players at every opportunity. More of the same please, George.
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