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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

Nellie The Don

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Everything posted by Nellie The Don

  1. Wow. Just when you think the EE has no more barrel to scrape...
  2. Crap turn out.
  3. I can't find a video of it but Mark Hatelely's assault on Michael Watt at the end of the 90/91 season is a case in point. Cheating thugs who have merely grown more devious in their methods. Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnston is correct. We should see Rangers the football club as a seperate entity from their directors and money men. The directors and money men are criminals, crooks, thieves and liars. The institution of Rangers football club is so much worse.
  4. Rangers are cheating scum. They always have been. They have no place in our game. They are a cancer that requires to be cut out. Back before they started cheating quite so effectively 'off the pitch' as has become so recently apparent, they cheated as much as possible by getting away with breaking and abusing the rules of the game. When even the most blue-nose of referees (note that it's George 'FUCKING' Smith in the clip below) couldn't find a way to let them off, they resorted to pitch invasions and the like if things weren't going their way football-wise. We are now in danger of having a whole generation of fans who subscribe to the notion that the old-firm are in some way 'special'. This is entirely based on their dominance over the last two decades and the attraction of 'star' names which they have only afforded through sheer criminality. For anyone under the age of 27, THIS is what happens to the old firm when they are made to play by everyone else's rules : For everyone else, it's long past time to get seriously angry about the theft of our game.
  5. http://gags.net/fail/stupid-driver-crashes-his-lamborghini-video_3ccabc34f.html
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkC8-LNnDuI Is that a young fatjim at 1:20?
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-18102491
  8. Several SPL chairmen - "Sporting integrity is important to us, and we would reject Rangers as a new company from the SPL, if only it weren't for the important revenue stream generated by their away support" Rangers support - "If you let us into the SPL, we'll boycott away games". Really, I'm sure that if you asked them, 'Irony' would just be what their clothes don't need to be when they go to collect their dole cheques.
  9. No. I'm saying that characterising players going to to deliberately injure others as 'the good old days' is moronic.
  10. Utter drivel. As usual.
  11. Surely the only way this could possibly work would be £8M to buy Ibrox and the player registrations from the OldCo, which would presumably then be liquidated. I don't know much about the property market, but this must surely be too low a figure to buy Ibrox. Hopefully there is a mechanism by which HMRC can block it and claim Greyskull for themselves.
  12. R_S, in 2157 posts and counting, I have yet to see you add 1 useful or interesting thing to this board. If you were to apply your brand of abusive cynacism to your own contribution to donstalk, maybe next time you sat down at your keyboard you just wouldn't bother, and make the site if not the world a slightly better place.
  13. Ally McCoist's blatant attempt to put pressure on the SFA tribunal with his "Who are these people?" comments, which directly incited violent and vitriolic hounding of supposedly annonymous members, must surely comprimise any similarly structured appeal process. Given that these comments which, IMO, directly lead to threats against the original panel, I feel that the new appeals panel should be excused (if nothing else than for their own safety), the decision allowed to stand, and further action be taken against McCoist for what was frankly an outrageous example of bringing the game into disrepute. 'Bringing the game into disrepute'. Holy Shit. I remember when that meant what Neil Lennon does every fucking week. Rangers have managed to blow that so completely off the scale that it no longer has any meaning. I have previously said on this board (paraphrasing) that my ideal situation would be for them to be hobbled and have to suffer the 'ignomy' of lower 6 SPL for the foreseeable future, while the rest of us watch and laugh. Not any more. Not even Div 3. I want them to end, cf Third Lanark or Gretna.
  14. As far as I can see, Neil Doncaster is about as uselful as a chocolate teapot, and far less appealing. Who on earth appointed this empty suit, and what would it take to get rid of the guy? Does any one individual have the power to sack him? It surely can't be the SPL board, as he's a member of that. IMO opinion he should have resigned and fucked off back down south after the '10 team SPL is the only option' farce.
  15. Agree with the sentiment, but doubt this highlighted last part. I would think that the collapse of the Lib Dem vote could quite easily be reversed, and an intra party coup de tat, with Simon Hughes or similar taking control of the UK party, and distancing it from the Tories would see a flocking back of their currently disenfranchised core vote.
  16. Surely the creditors would be able to mount a legal challenge to this? Rangers actual assets (player registraions and, scanky though it may be, the part of Govan on which their ground lies) must be worth more than £11.2M, in terms of a fund to repay the debts.
  17. I don't understand how it can possibly be legal to transfer valuable assets to a new company rather than selling them off to service the hundreds of millions of debt owed. Surely any such attempt would be challenged by HMRC, who should be claiming ownership of Ibrox, Murray park and all the player registrations for starters. Can anyone with more legal knowledge provide insight?
  18. http://textfail.com/2012/04/29/awesome-japanese-troll-ftw/
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLrexKO_qNA
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/17851897 I'm shocked. SHOCKED to find there is gambling going on in here.
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