I suppose the point was to express exasperation with the national predilection to obsess over the minutiae of every action of the old firm, as I suspect we're he at any other club nobody would be thinking twice about anything mentioned in the original post, especially when we are riding so high.
In terms of humour, it was intended to be a somewhat lighthearted and throwaway remark. Perhaps if you didn't recognise this it's because you take yourself far too seriously to be able to consider that possible.
Inform, entertain and apparently abuse. Feel better that you got all that off your chest?
Blah blah blah brown Smeltic blah.
I honestly couldn't give the slightest crap about any of the above.
We're top of the league. Here's to another cracking dandies performance tomorrow.
Paul Scholes is a massive Bolton fan, and used to go to their games on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure Fergie would have had more important things to think about.
Concentrate on repeating doing what we've been doing for the last seven weeks, and pay precisely zero attention to trivial nonsense being turned into an issue solely by the nature of the collective stupidity of social media on a slow news day.
A year or even six months ago I would have thought this sort of thing was absolute gold and, if not actually pissing myself, floor rolling or loling, would at least have issued a hearty chuckle.
Now all I can think is Just. Fucking. Die. Already.
Moving out of town is not a viable solution to this problem. Being within walking distance of the city centre is absolutely essential for a club looking to maintain the sort of attendances we want.
Very little to do again. The shot that the report said he 'parried into the path' of a county player was swerving like a bastard, and he at least pushed it out wide.