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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by stonefish100

  1. Potential replacement for Miller? Hope not.
  2. I can imagine Harry Enfield's Tim Nice But Dim calling it Todders. "Heading along to Todders to watch Scotland against the Baa Baa's! Ya? Super!" I ca' it the Pitt.
  3. Same saturday as T in the Park!! FFS! That will me out of going along with quite a few others I'd imagine. Date was probabky dictated by Man U, but still bad planning.
  4. Potentially, but Jimmy has the final call. After such an extended period out, Smiths ability to impact the game on Sunday has to be called into question, with or without the recurrence of the injury.
  5. Was disappointed to see JC taking absolutely no blame whatsoever for rushing Smith back too early and this injury flaring up again. If Smith can finally get to the bottom of this problem and stay injury free for an extended period, he is undoubtedly our best and most creative player.
  6. Stop dicking about Jimmy and just tell him he aint getting a new contract. Would be fucking delighted to finally get shot of this donkey masquerading as a fitba player. Hopefully the hamstring does cause too much problems when he gets back to his real career as a sparky.
  7. Neither are good enough, both have their good points but overall their bad points are too pronounced. Baith of them are shite when the ball is in the air, Soapy especially is glues to his line most of the time. I'd make getting a new goalie a top priority and have Langfield as number 2 next season. Just please God, nae Ryan fucking Esson
  8. Next home game at Pittodrie, the scarf sellers will still be selling them.
  9. Derek Whyte eh? Anybody see his Dubai tan in the paper yesterday? Fuckin poser.
  10. McNee is loving putting the boot into the Dons, but I find it hard to disagree with a lot of what he is saying. I dont think we should be looking to Falkirk or United as being example of what we should be acheiving, BUT Calderwood has year on year decreased the quality of the playing sqaud, his record in the transfer market this season has been appalling. The big decision is whether we give him another chance and trust him with the limited funds we have to reshape the squad, or do we admit Jimmy has done all he can here and go with a fresh approach. I honestly think it would be best for all concerned if he leaves in the summer and we build again. We need something to galvanise a seriously jaded squad and more importantly support.
  11. This speculate to accumulate policy would only work if 2 things happened: 1) We played an attractive style of football (or be precieved to) which utilised our players in there best positions allowing them to actually show what they can do (a la Hibs) 2) Get the subsequent media hype about how great our players are (again a la Hibs) We wont get decent money for any of our players otherwise. We made the last 32 of the UEFA cup for fuck sake, and we only got a couple of hundred grand for one of our best defenders!! Oh and getting contract renewals sorted out before 30th December might help too.
  12. That would be the ideal scenario, but I can envisage neither being here next season and Mackie being #1 striker for the start of 08/09 <shudder>
  13. Oh for a couple of players in the current team with half the application and will to win as Big Brian. Effort can go a long way to covering for lack of skill, shame most of our lot cant even apply themselves propely for 90 mins a week.
  14. Agree with your opinion of Maguire, milners. Looks lost on the wing but dynamite upfront. If he bulks up enough to cope with playing against fucking cloggers like Tokely in the SPL, he could go on to be a very good player for us. Folk need to get aff his back and give him a chance.
  15. http://www.thisisnorthscotland.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=149213&command=displayContent&sourceNode=149206&contentPK=20077219&folderPk=85709&pNodeId=149229 Game against Man U, a Gala dinner for the fans and a commerorative DVD. Nae too shabby, would have fancied a game against Real instead but it will be a sellout at Pittodrie anayway.
  16. Exactly, sad reality for us is that we need 2/3 Premiership loan players every season to top up our squad. If they are of the quality of these two, then brilliant. Walker especially will go a long way in the game. Hopefully some of our young lads are picking up things from them and follow their lead, I'm looking at you Maguire!!
  17. A true Dandy and a top man. Shame it didnt work out for him at Elgin, think he's probably too fine a guy to make it in management.
  18. Months? Nae weeks? Maybe a contract in the offing for Stevie if true, doubt it is though..
  19. I really hate that fucking ginger tink! Got nothing else to add to this thread other than the fact I hate that carrot headed bastard.
  20. Is Fat Charlie not a fucking Tim? Love the way he pretends to be "one of us" in his column. The boy should have been admitted to Cornhill a long time ago, anyone that writes one viewpoint one day and the completely opposite the next under the pseudonym "Stewart McKimmie" clearly has bipolar disorder issues.
  21. Went doon to Bridge Street today to pick up one of these, they were sold out but they are expecting more in at the end of the week. Think it will look smart as fuck on my wall. Good to see a bit of innovation from the club shop for once. Now get the DVD sorted ina!!
  22. Fit else are you supposed to do with 2 day old beef if you get shot of stovies? Rusks are pushing it, but an oakcake in wi the stovies is fiiine!
  23. We'll make top 6 and then fail to win any of the last 5 games IMO.
  24. 1. Get the catering back under AFC control and make an effort to do something a bit different with it, a selling point- at Dunfermline you've got the bridies, Killie have the best pies (not IMO) etc. Get oor own stovies or something on the go. 2. Play more reserve/youth games at Pittodrie especially during the better weather. Plenty of folk used to head along to these, good to get the younger supporters interested. 3. Get some marketing geared towards getting the massive Polish/immigrant contingent in the NE through the door. Lots of foreign gadgies at my work who are fitba fans, none of them are even aware of AFCs existence. 4. Bring back booze in the grounds, if they can make it work down south, there is no reason they cant do it here. 5. Get a European DVD released, no ifs or buts, any club worth their name would be doing this do generate an extra bit of revenue!
  25. Read in the Sunday Herald yesterday that Darcheville got injured in the warm-up on Saturday after the teamlines had been entered, therefore with Boyd getting promoted from the bench, the Dons were well within their rights to insist that the Huns were only allowed 6 on the bench. Instead Calderwood gave them a pardon allowing Cousin to move from his seat in the stand to one on the bench. Are these the actions of a decent bloke acting in the spirit of fair play? Or a dyed in the wool Rainjirs man who wouldnt dare defy his dads favourite team. IMO we should be trying to gain any advantage we can over any team and telling them tough shit, you'll start with 6 on the bench. Calderwoods blatant pandering to the Huns really does my tits in!!
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