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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

maverick sheep

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Everything posted by maverick sheep

  1. Clip no.1 hoof up the pitch Clip no.2 hoof up the pitch Clip no.3 hoof up the pitch Clip no.4 hoof up the pitch Clip no.5 er...nothing Clip no.6 see above I must've been watching the wrong vid but that has made me less keen on the guy.
  2. Makes the decision to call the helen game off at 1pm all the more ridiculous. Surprised nobody has officially complained about that.
  3. Motherwell are losing to saints which is actually worse unless you think we are looking up rather than looking down.
  4. Icey carpark. Obviously wouldn't have been icey at 12pm....or 11am...or 10am...or 9am...
  5. Very droll. bawbag.
  6. Merry Boxing Day everyone!! Hope you get the present you're all wanting. Snowing in Glasgow south side off and on so bound to be similar in Paisley. Got to assume the game's under no threat since nothing's been mentioned of it.
  7. Could just've quoted the original source instead of giving that shower the publicity! Who's the number 1 dons messagebord BB? We are! And don't you fucking forget it!
  8. Merry Boxing Day! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/h/heart_of_midlothian/8430104.stm
  9. That's quality. Looks quite tidy.
  10. boogyman too. sol bamba? davide grassi?
  11. One might almost think 'conspiracy'.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f-TMSbQ8mk
  13. Also a bit scandalous that someone who scored a cup winning goal has to pay to get in.
  14. I'm confused, I thought kerr, macguire and paton were also out of contract in summer?
  15. I thought about Jess but I also thought the same about Leighton. My reasoning for having neither in my list was that both were magnificent their first spell here but not that great second time around.
  16. Just a shame you're banging yr head against a brick wall. This reminds me of that 'are you a racist?' programme. By that I mean the people who have their opinions clouded by prejudice are so deeply in denial they will almost to a person, never ever accept the truth of the situation. The only thing I can see the appointment of Mcghee is achieving so far is that he's a guy we all want to like because of the 1983 romanticism. So that means instead of us all hurling bricks at the boardroom, the majority are just sinking further in to an apathetic, resigned depression about the situation at AFC. I hope we are taking a step backwards to then take two forwards but to call it a transitional season is just apologism for mismanagement by the baldy, suited, cunts. We're performing abysmally. Beginning, middle and end of story.
  17. And not driving either so he'll be having a cracking holiday.
  18. I heard the 1st half hour on the radio. Didn't sound like the ball was out the hibs half at all. Corner after corner after corner (shit mulgrew delivery after shit...). Heard the last half hour and it still sounded like we were all over em but lost another goal. We're powderpuff. But who knows what the future holds. Assuming we can attract anyone at all, I hope we clear out the senior players and start again.
  19. subtract the singing but keep the flares and toilet paper = boring as fuck unless yr stoned and feel like staring. Subtract the flares and toilet paper but keep the singing = just as good an atmosphere. Atmosphere in Scotland being shit is 100% to do with lack of singing. Flares are pointless.
  20. Best Aberdeen Player of the Decade: Anderson Best homegrown player: Anderson Best signing: Aluko Best goalkeeper: Langfield Best defender: Anderson Best midfielder: Nicholson Best forward: Zero Best manager: Calderwood Pick an XI from the decade: Langfield Hart, Mcnaughton, Severin (no one else is good enough and he could've been quality with...), Anderson Nicholson, Smith, Aluko, Heikennan Miller, Zero Game of the Decade: Bayern 2-2 Biggest single disappointment of the decade: The club being unable to let the fans enjoy qualifying for Europe without putting a weird downer on the day Best opposition player of the decade: Larsson
  21. Like a jobby hitting a windshield.
  22. What's actually happening with O'Brien? All I remember hearing is that McGhee asked permission to speak to him and Gannon went ape shit. Did he ever actually get permission to speak to him or is this just another wild goose chase?
  23. Maybe it refers to the transfer fee rather than wages...same applies though I guess since the tenner they were presumably asking was beyond our means. I can't honestly say I ever expected him to sign though. Ah well, make do and mend!
  24. Controversial! I even went on the hat for 2 secs out of my sheer bewildered state. Won't be doing that again no matter what! ps. guess who the 1st post I saw was by and what site they were taking the piss out of? Begins with an 'M' and ends in a 'inijc'. That's the only clue I'm giving.
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