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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

maverick sheep

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Everything posted by maverick sheep

  1. If I'm expressing an opinion based more on recent (like a month ago) evidence than the latest performance I honestly say so. If all of a sudden the situation is different then I'll bow to the judgement of yon wise, sober gentlemen in best position to judge. But what's changed in his style or level of performance since last season exactly? He never 'looks' like he's trying even when he's on form. Doesn't mean he's not, just means he's fucking slow and smart enough to know it. Same debate was being had. And in the summer too. Though I wasn't posting on messageboards then, I had the same (apparently minority) opinion as I do now. At least with Miller up front there's a chance of a performance. I feel like a broken record now actually. Time to accept I've said my piece. Anyway what was it you said on the Zamora thread about the validity of message board opinions...? All our debates are just like pissing in the wind. We canny change fuck all and if we could we'd probably fuck it up. Best to vent without being accountable for owt. And less of the implying I'm an armchair fan funsterinho. I go to games when I canya mad radge! Not been since hibs or killie (whichever's most recent) cos I'm busy. But Paisleyhere I come on boxing day...woopdeedingdangdoo. What a day out!
  2. Needless to say I was shocked and appalled!
  3. It was also not two weeks ago we played celtic so he must've gone home after that... I don't mind footballers being stupid but I draw the line at someone who canny count to 2!!
  4. 2 cups of tea without having to go back through to the kitchen or let one go cold.
  5. It's that time of year where you're favorite football team come to your rescue when relatives and friends insist you need to tell them what to get you. So what Aberdeen bumff have you got your eye on this year? I'm thinking a latte mug, navy blue hoodie, 2nd scarf on the list and mibees the cushion. I'm slightly annoyed that the cool red pyjamas are only available for children though! The duvet set also. ffs AFC get it sorted! also notice the 'for her' section has a shopping list notepad and tea towel...very pc.
  6. I think you're giving the booers more credit than they deserve ally. It's just the fashion now that you get a couple of bad performances and fans boo like a bunch of braindead, impotant hicks. Booing is a sign of protest but unless there's something tangible to protest about, like sack the manager/board etc the booing is just a collection of self-important arseholes who think their opinion needs to be heard at every turn.
  7. Watching the frankie boyle buzzcocks the now and loving the fact that carol vordeman looks more like linda leigh with every passing day!
  8. He didn't win headers against celtic either because no one delivered the ball to him. I didn't see him lose any headers in the highlights or hear them mention it happening on the radio - luckily i wasn't in aberdeen sat. Even if sat was a bad performance by him he generally does what I described and I can't believe anyone would say he doesn't the majority of the time. Without someone to win headers from a goal kick all we can do is boot it as far as possible and hope for the best. Without somone who can pass in any one direction deliberately all we can do is boot it as far as possible and hope for the best... Suppose it makes much more sense to sling in someone who is in keeping with the rest of them, can't pass, can't play any position with pass marks and can't win the ball in the air. Bring back Robbie Winters! How many times have you seen Aberdeen counter attack and have no one in midfield who can beat a player by running past them or passing through them? Both of those pull defenders out of position and allow strikers to operate with success. Lack of either and all you see is a defence than can mark our strikers out the game. Maybe the nigerian boy we're meant to be signing could do us all a favour but it's gone slightly quiet on that front.
  9. Good luck to him but he's got a cracking PR rep. Can't honestly say I'm that bothered about someone who had a chance and then wasn't good enough, but he gets his name out there a fair bit. The bigger issue is those who were good enough but gave up sport because in this country the infrastructure and percentage chance of making a good living from it aren't worth the risk. 9 people out of 10 with a brain cell to rub together won't waste their time with sport considering that unless you're a footballer and guaranteed 1st team place in 6 or 7 clubs maximum, you have no chance of a better living than doing most anything else. All we're left with are generally thick as mince and/or too dysfunctional as human beings to do anything else.
  10. Why does he need dropped? When he scores people are happy, when he doesn't people suddenly want him lynched. Fact is he does the same thing week in week out, ie, wins headers, pass the ball better than anyone else by a mile (to people who usually give it away) and taps it home if the delivery is any good. He isn't a runner as he has no pace, but plenty in the team do have pace so that should be fine if the others don't give the ball away and he isn't required to be in midfield defending where he can't get back up top fast enough. Miller is a target man and link up man. If the people around him play shit then he looks shit but what does he have to do to win over the doubters? Score more goals sure, but if he's not going to pick the ball up on half way, skin a couple and then bury it, how else can we expect him to score more regularly? He's lucky to get 1 decent delivery from the midfield or any meaningful contribution from his strike partner in the majority of games. That isn't his fault. Far more people should be the scapegoat for an over all lack of firepower before Miller imo.
  11. Just managed to make myself watch the highlights. Can't believe nobody mentioned Kerr's part in Hamilton's 1st, the fact he was almost responsible for another and then MIA as they broke through midfield for the 2nd. He should be sitting in the centre circle whether we have posession or not since all he's good at is breaking things up. Just doesn't seem like we can ever get any positive momentum going until the end of a season.
  12. I think the rules are the same on work permits in lower league but could be wrong. Didn't know that about J Scotland! hard to believe politicians have any say in judging ability at anything...let alone sport. I wouldn't mind seeing us getting players regularly loaned out from Man U etc instead of ppl going to english lower leagues. Would make sense for all involved considering they could get their youngsters some european footie experience...like josh walker.
  13. They could look but immigration law is not devolved. I agree with what you're saying but it would need to be outside th EU we got people from anyway since EU citizens can freely get work anywhere in the EU. The reason they don't come to Scotland is that there isn't a European league of as poor a standard as Scotland other than Ireland, Wales, San Marino, Andorra... All those places already have their youth cherry picked by England and/or produce such low quality players that we're left with the stars of tommorrow's Faroese team. Getting a Dutch/Belgian style football system of talented young Africans, South Americans etc is yet another reason for Independence...shame so many people are already too indoctrinated with fear to make it happen....But anyway Curse of the noughties? No I think it's more too do with the mismanagement by Milne in the 90s precipitating the virtual non-management of the club in this decade.
  14. Hanging's too good for em!
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/r/rangers/8408917.stm Almost two weeks after the incident they have decided to investigate whether there was improper conduct...because they HAVE sufficient evidence that there was an incident of improper conduct. Twatishness!
  16. I don't really disagree with any of that except the 1st bit. But admittedly I am being idealistic. In reality I might be wrong that anyone other than the hardcore would ever give a fuck again just because the SPL (and Scottish sport generally) became a level playing field. It's all hypothetical though. I don't know for sure I'm right and you don't know for sure I'm wrong. We both want the same thing for Aberdeen and we both (i think) agree that hearts are a bunch of cock munchers, arse wanks and over all creepy fucktards. Where we differ is that you're more miserable than me, and I'm more of an optimistic cunt than you.
  17. Disastrous for Hibs or Dundee Utd you mean?
  18. You're ignoring some things and taking other things way too literally. What region Perth is in doesn't matter, I could just've said St J have Perthsire and it would be the same point. I didn't say people would switch who they support, I said that the next generation or two of new fans would be more inclined to support the local team if the local team was bigger and more successful. Aberdonians were more inclined to support aberdeen when they were successful than now, hence the increasing support for OF. Amalgamation doesn't come into it at all. Killie have a stadium of SPL standard, Ayr do not. That was just a team I mentioned to illustrate the point anyway. Ayr 'should' be a big team too. Your last section backs up the point I was making. 'Success' breeds support and lack of it loses support. Signings needn't be 'hollywood' type to give people some interest,just not the shite-or-nothing that non-OF teams have gotten used to. The part about Chelsea replica tops is exactly what I mean. They became able to enter the market up here (and with floating voter types in eng) in a way they couldn't before and their stock continues to rise, just like the teams I mentioned (pretty much at random) could enter their own local market in a way that a well maintained SPL would allow for and encourage. That isn't happening now and originally I made the point about those other teams to show the SPL could thrive with or without a second Edinburgh. You'll always have some people supporting clubs from other places (like you and i) but if the media and market share is balanced out to some degree then it wouldn't be the cancer it is now. We've gone off topic though by a loooong way so maybe this should all be in a more general 'future of the spl' type thread. Fuck the jambos
  19. A chunk of it used to be...or still is depending on whose map you believe. http://www.scottish-highlands-explorer.com/ or http://www.visitscotland.com/guide/scotland-factfile/scotlands-regions1/ Pedantry aside, the point is still the same.
  20. Tis true. I was listening to your call the day somebody phoned in complaining about that but the conclusion was that what actually got announced was something like "keep your ticket stubs and listen out for the rearranged date." So it was obviously implied that they would get entry but not specifically stated and it's at the club's discretion whether to charge or not. Also even if the announcer had specifically said 'free entry' that's just some guy with a mic and not an official advertisment. Obviously you'd feel hard done by though.
  21. I agree this place is more of a cult site and that's not bad. the hat is for kids and mad is too full of pish. Both seem more snobbish and clichey. On here if you can take what you can give then you're fine. The issue is that many messageboard users...naming no names...can't take it when people call them out for making a wank of themselves and on here they won't find a little squad of internet hard men to team up with. But I'll admit that since my karma dropped to zero I've been crying my eyes out and swearing my revenge! I was as high as SIX at one point damnit!!
  22. I blame the weegies. Our humour is very confrontaional.
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