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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

maverick sheep

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Everything posted by maverick sheep

  1. Alex Thomson on twitter 5mins ago... "Standby for proof of how Scottish football authorites intend silencing opposition to their Division 1 plan." "Standby for proof of how Scottish Football League intends to stifle the voice of clubs and stop them voting at all"
  2. And actual gold?
  3. This is stooping to the level of Regan/cockwomble. promising money to people for voting a particular way!? This isn't the house of fucking commons! Spectacularly stupid.
  4. why would we be monitoring the reynolds situation as a possible addition instead of simply prioretising the full-back positions?? we desperately need at least two full-backs or we'll be as awful as last season with no ability whatsoever to stop the cross.
  5. Newco go into sfl1/spl2 after pleading with us all to put them into div3. And so in a year when they are back in the top flight, they and the media perpetuate the myth that they were all hard done by the evil previous owners. cockwomble and regan waddle off to be CEOs of some other poor cunts, and rather than remember the £134m unpaid debts and no meaningful punishment (beyond one demotion complete with overhauling the entire game purely to ensure they make it straight back up) the woefully inept scottish media will go back to daily updates on sally mcoist's latest haircut and lenny's new brand of toothpaste. No other clubs will get any coverage whatsoever again, and chick young will be back in a fucking job. Anyone really think 2012/13 is going to be more than an anomaly before it's back to business as usual? I really do hope the vast majority of Scottish football fans (including ex-huns) are listened to though, because we could transform the game in this country into a vibrant and viable product.
  6. would hope for DST to mention the spl2 shenanegins specifically, because this is only going to become a reality if current spl members allow it to, but otherwise a very good statement with one or two nice wee digs.
  7. Black and gold away kit on sale 12th July
  8. he put it down to being the runner up in a promotion play-off, so would go up a division depending on the vote.
  9. Sack Reagan, sack Cockwomble, and ditch the SPL.
  10. same. I'm looking at scottish football a bit like the taxman now... ironically enough. I'm happy to give money for the right people, afc included, but I baulk at the idea of paying the crooked scaremongering liars in the spl/sfa. but yes, i think spl clubs have to firmly speak out against the spl2. the spl needs killed off once and for all. if the sfl clubs and top-flight clubs can agree on a new league model then great, but not while under duress. i really want to see afc stick up for the diddier teams now!
  11. one of his best performances mentally i'd say! broke back to save the 1st two sets, then broke at 4-4 in the 3rd and served it out easily. held his nerve in the 4th too. really really good!
  12. This is good. Not only does it suggest what most of us suspected anyway - that the sfa are as institutionally corrupt and in this up to their necks as much as anyone - but finally it forces FIFA to bang some heads together. says a lot when i genuinely think fifa are the least corrupt governing body within which scottish football operates....
  13. Just home from the least productive day in an office in history. BUT before I crack open the red and put on my dons top to get pished and sing, what's still bugging me is the inevitability that Cockwomble et al are going to try and force through an spl 2 deal. If that doesn't happen then literally everything has blown up in cockwomble's face. why was green not allowed to withdraw the application? Perhaps this vote - simply confirming the inevitable - is hoped to buy us off. this is a moment to celebrate as a victory for common sense, but as delighted as I am that the spl clubs did the right thing, their job probably isn't entirely done yet. If the sfl clubs have the balls to do the same thing, then it'd be disgraceful for spl clubs to agree to creating spl 2, casting certain clubs adrift. What has to happen next is hopefully sfl clubs voting down the div 1 option, inviting the newco to bid for a place in div 3, then spl clubs telling the spl to get to fuck altogether, getting cockwomble to fuck immediately, and bringing the sfl clubs to the table to discuss the restructuring of the game that makes sense for everybody, without the discussions being sidetracked by these particular corporate agendas and lies (over and above the agendas that each club will inevitably have to seek personal preference anyway). What this has all shown is that the SFA are open to the ideas that the fans have called for, but this summer is certainly not the time to rush anything through. But that's for worrying about tomorrow. Tonight is for mostly pissing myself with glee. AFC have stood with the fans and also signed a cracking player. Fucking yes!
  14. you can get 1/33 on celtic to win the spl Neil Doncaster. Do one.
  15. bbc saying 11 sfl clubs indicate a no vote, i can only remember who a few of them are. how many are there who've said they'll abstain?
  16. i've boycotted them for a while now anyway because their stewards are scummy arseholes. i just hope to fuck someone remembers to punish them for juninho's ebt!
  17. yes, he now has to receive his jotters with immediate effect. he has utterly fucked this situation up and lied to everyone. he has to go.
  18. daily ranger this morning says st mirren are considering a u-turn though
  19. the spl 2 question seems a bit dodgy. suggests large support for the newco into spl 2 option, but that is a very vague option, with unknown consequences in terms of who that means newco are parachuted in above. and it is also close to the same number of people who said they don't want newco in the sfl at all. but i bet that 95% figure gets used by certain people in future!
  20. http://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/top-football-stories/scotsman-com-survey-results-scottish-football-fans-have-their-say-on-rangers-newco-1-2391584
  21. partick thistle saying the sevco 5088 dream team should have to start in div 3, and that the sfa should be the ones to make the call, rather than forcing sfl clubs to sort a problem they had nothing to do with creating.
  22. Just out of interest, how long after buying a season ticket do they refuse to give a refund if returned? Got a feeling the SPL are conspiring to con as much as they can out of anyone. If the people running our game get kicked out, all they'd be suited for as a line of work would be scamming OAPs.
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