well aye me for one. Not in a bitter way, and not benching him. that's twattish. if we said thanks and sold him this week and used the wages on a good loan replacement to the end of the season I can't see how that's bad business.
Manc, i understand what you said earlier about the cup run. I'm tempted to agree, but if we don't win a trophy then it'll look like a pointless gamble. I'm not saying anyone's going to offer money now rather than wait til summer, but if they do i'd take it.
I just disagree with the point about the squad being deflated if we lose him now. The squad is going to be massively deflated either way. The board have essentially admitted to everyone in the world that if you are a good footballer who can make any kind of a living at the game, then you need to stay away from aberdeen, or get out as fast as you can.
Him being there makes anything good that happens on the pitch tinged with the realisation that it may only be because of him. That certainly won't convince anyone else on the books to stay beyond the summer/end of contract.
A loan player would be someone I'd view as more replaceable, and the less players under contract at the club at any time who make it known they want to leave the better.
long drawn out break ups are worse than just cutting and running. If we don't sell up and move on asap, for the rest of the season we'll be talking about this utterly depressing hoseshit!!!