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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

maverick sheep

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Everything posted by maverick sheep

  1. Crawley Town are trying to sign Skacel now.
  2. Better than the Tony Yeboah goal!
  3. I'm fucking giddy! What a turnaround. Listened on the beeb online and altho the co-comm was a biased big eejit, i loved the end where they left the stream going for about 30 secs with nothing but stand free belting out. Fucking hell. A glimmer of hope!
  5. Sounds like Brown and Foster are doing their best to fuck us. All those who still want rid of langfield need to get their heads around the near certainty that there is NO better keeper who Aberdeen have any chance of signing. Nelson, whatshisface, Gonzo and Brown have each proven utterly hopeless. They've had all the same flaws clangers does and so much more! Hi 2012. You seem affa familiar so far!!!!!!!
  6. Liverpool have been run by a succession of clowns for ages now. who's their pr/media relations person?? absolutely astonishing.
  7. Think i'll be playing champ rather than watch the window SLAM shut on ss news...again.
  8. In/Oot: Oot Pre match: Train Match: (Hopefully) flat Post match: Building a bed Prediction: 1-1 Attendance: 9,986
  9. This slipped by me unnoticed.
  10. ho hum. bitter wee arsehole. Noteworthy that at no point does he accept a smidgen of responsibility for us NOT winning the league cup OR the scottish cup. good riddance to bad rubbish.
  11. Surprised either of you are entertaining the notion of signing anyone after reading that shite. We're "too nice" to terminate contracts. What a spineless load of shit. Players don't want to walk away from the money we have contractually obliged ourselves to pay them? shock fucking horror. On a serious mental health note, are AFC unaware that this time of year sees the highest rate of suicide? They must be or else they'd learn to shut the fuck up with this pish. edit- in a perverse way, our 7 points from 4 games could have come at a bad time. Currently we look capable of finishing above dunfermline, so judging by the form of our board, that will put the kybosh on improving the squad (if the threat of relegation had ever moved them to strengthen in the first place that is).
  12. My problem with the other two sites was essentially Stand Free Ed and LS being two outstandingly obnoxious people. But wading through page after page of self-indulgent chattering on every thread is nothing to do with AFC. Having different sites filters out most of the pish and if it wasn't for DT i'd have zero interest in going online to talk to folk about this abortion of a football club. you're all awful enough to speak to in person as it is ffs!!
  13. if it wasn't for the army we'd all be speaking french, german, cantonese, russian...and gaelic.
  14. You're using the term "news" very loosely here min Tomorrow I expect them to tell me the sun rose yesterday!
  15. The solution as I see it is to scrap the yellow for diving and classify it as a straight red card offense. Handball on the line is a red, as is GK handling outside the box - can't see that latter as worse than diving personally The problem then is with inconsistent application of the law...soooooo LET'S USE VIDEO TECHfuckingNOLOGY
  16. A one-off stunt isn't newsworthy unfortunately without a reaction from the club. The way that sort of thing would get published is through buying space in the paper to put an 'open letter to AFC' type thing.
  17. can't see the justification in anyone saying this has anything to do with the sfa/rangers/anything at all apart from a player cheating and getting punished. Football is a contact sport. Contact alone therefore is not equivalent to a foul. I'm ashamed we won a game by cheating and completely understand why we've taken the 2 game ban while appealing the red card. There's plenty to get your knickers in a twist about, but not this!
  18. how could our wages even possibly be equal to that of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years...ago, given outgoing/incoming players? we've spent years not replacing the half decent players who've left. If our wages ARE level with when our team was decent then someone needs shot for allowing that to happen!
  19. sadly brown sounds like a yes man. if the budget wasn't reduced we would have been replacing what we lost in playing staff. We didn't, so the club cannot call these players 'extensions' to the budget.
  20. firstly, cheers for the report. secondly, those points i highlighted need clarification!
  21. The sooner we have a standing only stand the better
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