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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen

maverick sheep

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Everything posted by maverick sheep

  1. Langfield. Mainly because he's going to be 1st choice in his position. Kerr was undroppable and that certainly was nothing to do with performance. I don't want another captain who hasn't proved he should be playing every week. Clangers needs to learn to handle more pressure generally so he stops shitting it when he's out his depth (ie munich). Gettng used to the responsibility of captain could be good for him and his game. Not true of kerr and i personally doubt it would be true of zander. http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/Article.aspx/1832270?UserKey= seems he may have hartley earmarked for captain with zander the 2nd choice.
  2. or unconfident of getting hartley. Not convinced either of these are worth the wages. The right kind of experience is great but that depends on much more than age. Judging by career trajectory, Hendrie doesn't seem like his attitude fits the bill.
  3. Massive wages for someone who can't really run seems daft. After McNamara I'd hate to see us going down the exact same route again. Didn't see the game but Folly sounds like a better option. Bout time we tried bringin Josh Walker back on loan too. Doubt we'd pay much more in wages for both of them than for Hartley on his own.
  4. Sounds like someone who can play SPL level. Has to be an improvement on grassi.
  5. I was wrong. And unfortunately it looks like MM was too.
  6. I'm pretty sure the Nigerian snubbed us because we offered peanuts.
  7. I think he was the Derry player who we had as a back-up in case we failed to get the Nigerian lad who we DID fail to get to. So Higgins became second best on a candidate list of one.
  8. his 2nd in the 2-1 win over killie at the end of 08 or beginning of 09 was a peach of a header.
  9. Better with him than we were without him.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RTc32qBpAk
  11. Maybe trying to cover the fact that one of the people they announced had agreed a new contract never bothered signing it and has now signed for someone else. Joke club.
  12. Pretty much all of us have ben since the 90s
  13. maverick sheep


    does anyone else get 'no results found' no matter what they search for?
  14. I think so. Just going to see what's most convenient each place I go. Just booked the 10 dayer. Cheers man. I'll have an extra local beer and wifey on your behalf!
  15. Cool, that's the way I figured it might turn out. Thinkin I'll go Krakow-Budapest-Serbia-Croatia-Slovenia-Vienna-Prague-Bratislava. Been told to do the ferry between Vienna and Budapest though, so might tweak it a little bit and go to Budapest twice or something. I'll probably be on here while I'm away for some in-journey travel tips. Seems like quite a popular part of the world
  16. Landing in Krakow on 27th July and flying back from Bratislava 20th August. I'm just about to book my interrail pass but I'm not sure if there's any point getting the 22 dayer, rather than the 10 in 22 day pass. The way I've loosely planned it in my head would involve 10 or 11 journeys but even if it was 12/13 days I ended up on trains, does anyone know if that would make the extra £100 worth it for the 22 dayer?
  17. They really shot themselves in the foot with that slogan. By not backing it up with anything substantial they will see a revolt but it will be an acceleration of the fans' giving up. I'd be genuinely amazed if there aren't thousands of people who either have this year, or ar very close to turning their backs on Aberdeen for good. It's as if the people who market AFC are a joint venture from the OF clubs to increase their fanbase in the north. If not from people switching allegience but from people stopping supporting AFC and then creating a vacuum of next generation support that the OF (and EPL) are best placed to move into.
  18. The great amazing revolving news story. It's got the feel of groundhog day. I hope he finds another club and tells Mcghee to stick it. The way he's being treated is uncalled for.
  19. I thought he'd already signed with Celtic??? Fuck this...we really can't afford to laugh until this cunt is confirmed gone!
  20. It was on ss news when i came in this morning. Was an interview with Faldo saying he hadn't been approached, journo talking about how monty's speaking to Langer and interview wi monty asking if he'd speak to Faldo. He basically said he'd speak to whoever but by not saying he was desperate to speak to Faldo the tone of the piece was that it was somehow a snub. It's like you say, find out what Faldo did and do the opposite = win! I find it interesting they didn't mention Woosnam or torrance...just the german and snubbed englishman a couple days before some football game or other... paranoid...me? them? NEVER
  21. I just want to see what folk think about this latest piece of English bullshit. So Monty doesn't bother looking to Faldo..the least successful, least inspirational Ryder cup captain in living memory for advice...and so Monty is a cunt... I'm no golf expert but that seems beyond pathetic from what I can see!
  22. OOOOFT Big derby game! Yassssssssssss
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