That's what I mean. The recession was looming for a good couple of years before it hit, just as the collapse of setanta was looming for several months before it happened. The club seemed to wait until the shit hit the fan to actually make the changes that, either they already knew needed made, or, possibly, suddenly decided in a short space of time had to happen. If so then it was a knee-jerk reaction to do it when they did.
We could have waited a year, assessed what the economic climate meant in terms of belt-tightening and THEN restructured everything. The timing was ludicrous and not only cost us lots of money to implement, but left us in a position where we have no idea how we can even budget to get out of the shit we landed ourselves in!
What fucking team are we looking at having next year?? People saying the timing to change manager was necessary are having a laugh. It was possibly the worst time in the last 50 years to put the club through the upheaval it has been.