Totally agree with Drewsome.
I've always been a bit suspicious about Milnes fascination with moving from Pittodrie. I'm guessing most dons fans, especially us older ones, would prefer a Pittodrie redevelopment if it was a possibility. Even if it meant lowering the capacity to 16,000, at least we'd be staying at our 'spiritual home'. And if it takes 10 years to complete due to financial restrictions - so what? Ibrox took about 20 years to redevelop. And 'state of the Art' training complexes, with the resources, land opportunities, and contacts Milnes got it would be a piece of piss to build a training ground outside the city somewhere.
I've been hearing about new stadiums since I was a teenager. Enough. Stop giving us problems, as a club we need to be pro-active and start finding solutions.
Staying is the new moving. And CtS is with De La Soul when he says 'Say no go'.