There's every chance this could be the result of a maintenance error, but the reasons given so far don't justify a ditching so I'll reserve judgement until more facts become available. You only have to go back to the start of this thread to the last 225 incident to see a pilot being hailed a hero, only to find himself suspended and eventually sacked for his part in it.
I fully understand the scepticism towards bond, even if the 3 accidents are totally unrelated the end result is the same - another red machine in the water.
There is another issue here of course, and it's the proverbial can of worms. The clear conflict of safety versus profit is not a problem of the helicopter operators making, as oil companies continue to drive costs down and force service companies to do the same. They talk the health and safety talk to the media yet hold these companies over a barrel with penalty clauses for late departures. Despite publicly claiming it doesn't exist, 'commercial pressure' is still a big problem.