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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by baggy89

  1. I was half watching first half as rugby was on. Wilson was all over the shop. Campbell when he came on changed the way we were playing. I’d play him instead of Ferguson on Wednesday. Today helped McLennan, got caught once (that I saw) not at 100%, but made up for that. He could do with a goal or two to give him a boost. Happy to run at players and can beat them. Needs to smash a couple in as he doesn’t get the space I’m sure he had in the younger age groups.
  2. Has to be a plan, at this stage of the season. Might explain why McInnes has started dressing like a rough sleeping weegie grifter on the touchline.
  3. Gerrard or mair likely his staff seem to have this hun incarnation fairly fit. That’s about the limits of their abilities. Actual technical ability is lacking, but they, like previous incarnations get all or at least 98% of the inoccous stuff. They’re throwing themselves to the ground with the merest of contact. They get the benefit of doubt on any throw etc. AFC need to highlight this, along with Kamara’s corner carry on’s. Tattie heeds dives, hibs should have had at least a yellow tonight if not a second and red. We have 5 days. CALL IT OUT. STAND UP FOR US MUGS.
  4. Tone set tonight two fair tackles given as fouls against the leith junkies, huns pretty much hold the ball, play on.
  5. Thought it was the weakest of all, wife thought the same. But then yesterday found myself making reference to "the big bowl" and pointing out differences between catholics and protestants to my (Irish) wife. :smile:
  6. Live scenes...
  7. Shite goal to concede fully deserved the win. Refs need to sort out the carry ons with Kamara at the corners he seems to have carte blanch to shove and impede the keeper. Clancy had a decent first half. Should probably have a had a second pen either for challenge on McLennan or the high boot into McKennas face. Neither given and McLennan booked for diving when asked for by the huns. He began to lose it with a couple of daft yellow cards and game could have boiled over if the huns hadn’t been playing for a draw by that point. Dom Ball MoM for me. Ferguson was anonymous today maybe time for another rest.
  8. With that performance and that get up... It's almost as if McInnes wants to be sacked.
  9. Which app do you use Rocket? I DL’d Drinkaware and Drink Free Days in November, I think in preparation for silly season. Never did anything with either. I’m OK at being honest with myself on these things so might be worth a go, bound to put the frightened on for an hour or two anyway.
  10. People of my generation (became teenagers in the mid to late 90's) are at the highest risk of liver disease apparently and reading a lot of this thread and in particular TC's post is a bit of an eye opener. Like Dons Daft, I don't do moderation. I've spent most of my adult life drinking every day and I don't mean a glass of wine of an evening to unwind. I'd imagine most would class me as a functioning alcoholic. Couple bottles of red and a couple of bottles of beer in the evening for most of the last twenty years. I gave up smoking the day my now wife told me she was pregnant with our first, just stopped. On the flip, that day I went out bought a bottle of malt and drank that. Three/four years ago I had a load of shit with my business and all of a sudden I was anxious, not really sleeping, probably bordering on depression, I think I'd also tipped 16 stone (I'm 6'1"). I knew I couldn't give up the booze so tried to limit myself to two nights a week Friday and Saturday. Started lifting heavy bits of metal, seems to work for me, gives me a buzz. I even started to run last year, despite having knee's made of fucking chocolate (I find there are less excuses when sticking on a pair of shorts than having to get a bike out of the garage). Sunday has crept back in but a moderate amount and I even occasionally indulge in 2-3 bottles of beer on a Thursday now. I know I shouldn't but I also know I shouldn't be trying to cram a weeks worth of drink in, in 2 days... I see it in a lot of my friends too. One even takes himself off to rehab every couple of years. He still drinks every day once he comes back out, so it's not to stop. I think it's just so he has a month of not drinking. His mate has cirrhosis and shovels omeprazole, down like smarties. I don't really know what the point in this post was. Maybe to let you know that there are loads of us who don't have a good relationship with drink, that there is no one fix, that it's probably the single hardest addiction to quit (although I'm sure junkies might disagree). Or maybe it was the selfish alky in me using it as a bit of cathartic release. Good luck hope you achieve what you want to achieve and your life gets back to how you want it to be.
  11. Wow. That is an honest mistake and a half.
  12. Friday is pretty eclectic Gerry stuck in with various grime rap and pop. Saturday the headliner doesn't exactly capture the imagination, actually none of them do. Sunday every one of them is a second stage act and most boring to boot. They're looking for strong money for little more than average arena bands at a festival where you've also to sort hotels. Cynic in me says the ones they know folk will buy tickets for (Gerry, Ashcroft and Grennan) are all on separate days to make sure they sell weekend tickets. Make Saturday. Ashcroft, Catfish, Gerry, Grennan, Fender, DMA's and Jade Bird. Call it the Radio X all dayer
  13. Aye, I had though I might head up for this. But not after seeing the lineup. Sunday could be in a Carling Academy circa 2005.
  14. This. They work harder to add more insightful input than the bulk of the lazy ex-pro thick cunts. Put it this way you’d be hard pushed to find a female pundit referring to Ederson as Emerson, Jamille Matt as Jamal etc. Not once but throughout a 90 minute commentary.
  15. baggy89


    Aye I thought that was really good too. Liked that bubbles from The Wire was his AA sponsor.
  16. New tits?
  17. I still do not accept that you can kick someone without intent to hurt them. Oh and I'm not calling it a conspiracy. I am comparing them as; 1) the first incident Morelos aims and kicks a player in a deliberate act, reduced to yellow as you say because "there was no intent to injure". 2) The second they appealed based on, either a claim that Morelos's got tangled up with McKenna and it wasn't a deliberate act or he didn't injure him or intend to injure him. 3) Power neither deliberately intends to make contact, nor injures Jack, yet the huns are interested to see if the compliance officer takes further action. It's double standards. If the huns are going to appeal everything that their players do and get punished for then they have no right to call others out for further punishment. Particularly in a week when Gerrard himself calls out another manager for "trying to get one of his player banned".
  18. I may be incorrect but did Gerrard not state that he would be "interested" to see if the compliance officer looked at the incident? If he believes what you have stated as the reasons for these decisions, why mention it?
  19. It should be considered that this is a club that have tried to get one of their own players red card (for kicking an opposition player off the ball) rescinded on two separate occasion this season. By their own actions they are quite clear in their belief that making contact with an opposition player with your foot is a yellow card offence, even if you quite clearly intended to do it. I can't be arsed to go back and look for it, wasn't part of the decision to downgrade Morelos' red to a yellow, in the opening game, that he didn't injure or intend to injure? And I assume their attempt to have Morelos' yellow rescinded for his slap on Shinnie's face was that it didn't injure him.
  20. Gordon Banks
  21. OK the opposite way, but didn't the huns challenge the rule in order to try to get Morelos off for one of his yellows against us? And failed. Then again hibs fans on twitter over the weekend suggesting one of theirs was cited for incident in the tim match for which he'd already been carded.
  22. baggy89


    If Beale street could talk. Was OK could have been much more, in the end a little disappointing. Green Book. Fucking fantastic. Funny, challenging (if a little easy, ) heart warming, great actors bouncing off each other, best film I’ve seen in a good while well worth it. Go and see it.
  23. No real surprise. Likely get off with it too, whereas anywhere else in the world he'd be likely to receive further punishment. Are there penalties for frivolous appeals? If so, this one should be the maximum enforceable. I hope we don't appeal but it appears we would have grounds. Whereas there are none for Morelos. McKenna clears the ball and in doing so falls backwards under the force of his own movement but aided by Morelos' straight arm. Morelos brings his left foot across his body in order to make contact with McKenna, clearly in control as he looks at the crowd then down at McKenna in order to aim. Runs his left foot studs down McKennas inside left thigh, moves his foot back up in order to generate extra downward force for a stamp in McKenna's genital area. McKenna reacts to the initial raking of the studs by bringing his right leg up and flicking it towards Moralos, just as he is brining his foot down for the stamp. And we add in the 3 shoulder charges at our defenders by Morelos (unpunished), and the 3 dives/feigning injury (unpunished). Rules are as far as I can find; Boys fancies himself as a thug and was looking for a row all night. He's been sent off 3 times against us and was suspended for the other, this season. True justice would be a career ending injury, next time we play them. as no redeeming features at all. A hun, a pussy who thinks he's hard and one of the ugliest fuckers ever born. Boy makes Davie Dodds look like Beckham.
  24. Thought Ferguson, Hoban, Cosgrove and Considine all decent. Logan and McKenna didn’t seem to know what they were doing. Seemed to be 352 but not sure if we were trying to go man for man again. If so huns had it sussed as Frog heed, Kent and Candieas were dropping off & switching roles. Both first two goals certainly came from Logan chasing Kent accross our area to McKenna’s side, who seemed to be rigidly sicking to his position rather than closing own. Madden didn’t help us by giving the huns fouls virtually anytime there was any contact in the huns final third. Essentially providing them with the momentum. Felt Morelos should have been off for two yellows prior to his dive for the free kick which led to the pen. 3 times he sees the hoof from the hun CB’s looks at the defender and charges him. 1 fair enough 2 have a word 3 yellow. Then when he goes down holding his head after backing in making no attempt to jump and finally Madden waves play on I thought, surely now. Next break in play ref is bringing it back to book him. NOPE. Then he gets away with another dive, BEFORE the dive that led to the free kick. Thought Worral?, looked to have come from behind McKenna after FK taken (McKenna in charge of holding the line felt the same) puts his hand up Goldson fails to make decent contact and ball hits McKenna arm. Niave. But would expect better. I.e. make sure it’s gone then have a go at Lino.
  25. McKenna sent off for getting a boot in the nuts off the frog heeded cunt. Certainly a straightening of the leg by McKenna but not anymore than anyone would do getting a kick in the nuts after having studs raked down their thigh.
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