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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by baggy89

  2. What a load of utter tripe. The reason CVA's have not gone through in England is not because they have the football creditors rule as such it's because there hasn't been enough money in the pot to pay HMRC what they want after football debts have been paid first. Don't be drawn in by the weegia HMRC will in no way get NOTHING if the Huns are liquidated. HMRC will get a lot more than £0.10 in the pound they are No. 1 creditor Ibrox and Murray Park must be worth more than £0.10 in the pound of the money they are owed. As far as I can remember HMRC were not the major creditor in Motherwell or Dundee cases and so had no power to block the CVA's. This is not true in the huns case. Then we get into the fact that the £49 million Tax case hasn't even reached its conclusion and we are expected to believe that someone from HMRC is not only discussing an ongoing Tax case with a journalist but is alluding to the fact that an agreement is in place to accept only part payment - bollocks. I'd hazard a guess that the cost for the preparation of the case is getting on for a couple of million so why then go on to accept £4.9 million. Even the stuff about HMRC only dealing with the huns if Whyte is out of the picture seems a bit too convenient for sensationalist journalism for my liking.
  3. Surely he's the fourth with "cars to finance and debts to pay"? and I bet the one who offered to play for nothing is Healey or maybe Aluko.
  4. I may be wrong but I thought Aberdeen fan McIlroy made world number 1? I also realised world number 1001 (or whatever) and Aberdeen fan Paul Lawrie has also recently won a tournament.
  5. Wonder if the Tims could give the money owed to Dunfermline directly out of the ticket money they're withholding from the Huns?
  6. Just had a look and it appears to be available on the Tunein radio app. Just typed 810 MW into the search function and it's come up with BBC Radio Scotland MW
  7. I think the clue is in the sentence.
  8. Corrected for accuracy
  9. Are we taking him on trial?
  10. Looks like a contract to me. The only disappointing thing is that it does not mention that the payments need not be re-paid. If they did the huns would be proper fucked.
  11. http://sport.stv.tv/football/scottish-premier/rangers/298342-craig-whyte-statement-in-full/
  12. When did Noddy join the JMG protest group?
  13. SHHHHH! No one mention that Rocket Scientist is really Liu Xiaobo.
  14. baggy89


    Nae sure your were dropping E's then. Ecstasy Mother Fuckers
  15. Yes and I had assumed that this scheme had been designed in an attempt to get these people back to work. It may have been, but further reading shows that due to its poorly thought out nature and even poorer implementation it is not working that way. That said on the links Padre provided for every seemingly genuine tale of it's poor implementation and people being taken advantage of, there is at least one equivalent story that smacks of "It's not fair I've been made to work". It has to be said, however, I am looking at it from the point of view of an employer that has had just one genuine enquiry from someone looking for work, that has resulted in an employee that hasn't spent 5 of their first 6 days off sick before just not turning up any longer, in the last 5 months. And this at a time when unemployment is at it's highest since 1992 and me being at least 4 full time employee's down.
  16. I don't know how the scheme works but had assumed Tesco would be paying what they would pay normally with the exchequer making up the difference to equal what these people would normally receive in benefits. Is there any actual evidence that people are losing their jobs so this scheme can be abused? or is it much like how the Poles came over and everyone lost their jobs so the Poles could do it for less.
  17. It's not really working for free though is it? It's working to receive the benefits they are already receiving which in a number of cases will be worth more than Tesco will be paying those that they are already employing at their normal rate. I've lost a few members of staff over the last few years who were marginally better off (financially) sitting at home than they were going to work and given the same choice I'd probably do the same. I also pay a couple of quid over the minimum wage basic and more for night and weekend work.
  18. But not until next season. We had a player on trial at Cheltenham whose registration had been held by two teams this season before the second paid his contract up. He is now without a club as no-one can sign him. Barnes-Homer I think it was.
  19. REALLY hope this is true. If he is released he won't be able to play again this season. I presume we held his registration till the Huns signed him then the Huns held his registration so that makes two. Nae luck ye English Nigerian Catholic UVF sympathiser. #careergoingdownthepanquickerthanyourclub
  20. I know I don't tune in if the game doesn't feature Aberdeen there must be several thousand others like me and the same again for other non OF teams throughout the UK so I'd be interested what the projected difference between gaining that audience on top of all the Tims that will tune in to watch their team against losing the Hun subscriptions. An SPLTV isn't just going to show one game a week like ESPN or SKY do. I understand your point regarding advertising revenues dropping for a purely SPLTV station but I'd counter that by honestly saying I'd pay twice what I do for ESPN if Aberdeen were on once a month minimum. Add to that; what's to stop that business model buying UK rights for say the German or more pertinently some Eastern European leagues and generating additional subscriptions and advertising revenue from the UK's immigrant populations. I also understand your points regarding accessible highlights programs and we are 15 years too late to that party but to not try seems defeatist. Also for kids is the standard of football really that important? Surely at that age its about establishing loyalties and gaining brand recognition. I also don't think there are Spanish games on Terrestrial TV either and there's no reason why a terrestrial highlights can't be timed to be after MOTD on a Sunday morning. I also realise there are very few homes without SKY nowadays. I just consider this the ideal opportunity for the SPL to sort out the balance of power and try to implement positive change to the game. To not even try really is the death knell of Scottish football. I realise the jungle jims have never done anything for the good of Scottish football but standing up to them now without their bastard brothers to back them up could result in that ability to be taken away. And really who cares if they walk the league for the next 4 or 5 years minimum if at the end of it there is a chance (however slight that may be) that we end up with a more competitive league.
  21. Is having the ability to show more games that do not feature one or other of the the OF really narrowing you audience? Likewise is a highlights program on terrestrial TV at a decent time and thus available to the younger generation narrowing your audience? Surely the Tims by themselves would one not weild the power to arse rape the rest of the league and two not have the wish to do so for the exact reason you have posted? This is true but surely a major consideration in the discussions in how to proceed following the demise of the Huns.
  22. Aye if Sky want to pull out the non old firm part of the SPL surely wouldn't be that worse off if SPLTV was started with a fair distribution of revenue. I'm sure we'd also get a bit of cash for a terrestrial highlights show that can be shown at a decent time on a Saturday evening or repeated on a Sunday morning.
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