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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by baggy89

  1. It's no surprise to me that he's not been paying HMRC when it looks likely that his plan all along was to take the club into administration to avoid paying the £50 odd million liability.
  2. Livingston Rangers Football Club? Even installing Catholics as the management team to put people off the scent.
  3. HMRC will have to weigh up the value of the assets and what percentage of that they are entitled too, if the club is liquidated, against the the value offered by a set amount in the pound with a given timescale that a going concern can pay at.
  4. So basically what I said earlier today?
  5. It would be really quite funny and contain more than hint of karmic retribution if he was one of the players let go by the administrators with only a small percentage of his contract paid up.
  6. I'm sure with only 9 months as a Director it will be hard for any of the following to be pinned solely on Whyte 1)Failure to submit annual accounts to Companies House on time 2)Failure to submit annual returns to Companies House on time 3)Excessive salaries or drawings when the company was plainly insolvent 4)Trading on when he or she knew the company was insolvent (trading whilst knowingly insolvent) 5)Continuing to take credit when there was "no reasonable prospect" of creditors being paid. 6)Misrepresentation of the facts about the company 7)Failure to respond or comply with a liquidator's requests That will depend on what interested parties are prepared to pay. The administrators will try to get as much as possible for it but buyers will be conscious of the implications of a large mortgage on a Stadium to any future football club. Fair enough.
  7. Not sure, just something I picked up from somewhere and can't find where now, I think the suggestion was; that was part of the deal in securing the club for a quid. Didn't really make any sense to me as I thought, according to UEFA, football debts had to be repaid first and I believe they owe money to at least Hearts, Sone Aluko and Dundee Utd. But... What would be stopping Whyte being the one creating the new Hun club? With his mother or similar buying Ibrox for a fraction of it's value and starting again without the threat of the HMRC case? I suppose it'll be said that he gambled on Europe and they failed but it seems incredibly short sighted not to have factored that into his business plan when he bought a club on the brink and haemorrhaging money 9 months ago, and lest we forget the guy is a chancer who seems to have always had an angle that worked in his past business dealings. Plenty of them about, for sure, but few who seem to have pulled it off so successfully over a sustained period of time.
  8. With the suggestion that Administration happened now (rather than later) because Whyte would lose his preferred creditor status had HMRC won their Tax case. What's the likelihood that Whyte as a major creditor could force the Huns into liquidation, allowing someone to start-up "Glesga Huns Fitba Club" thus avoiding the HMRC case altogether? Or is that a bit too Moon landings, to be likely?
  9. I assumed it was a made up group for the sake of a Standard Grade art project.
  10. I take a Berocca most mornings now to get rid of the hangover and a spoonful of manuka honey to stop me getting AIDS.
  11. Nah he was let off once it was revealed he paid more Tax than the Huns and Diet Huns combined.
  13. They'll be raking up penalties like nobodies business. First rule of running a business is always pay your tax liabilities first. With this and the Huns problems we could see a domino effect of clubs folding around Scotland.
  14. They do have a transfer window. The English (and I thought the Scottish started this season) football leagues also have a loan window that runs 8th September to 25th November and 8th February to 24th March. In which clubs can loan a player on an "emergency" loan for up to a maximum of 93 days in one season with no recall within the first 28 days unless the player is a goalkeeper. Youth loans are for players under 21 and can be open ended with no recall within the first 28 days at all (whether the player is an outfield player or goalkeeper). These rules have applied in the Football League since the inception of transfer windows but FIFA are unhappy with them and have told the Football League that all loans outside of a transfer window must be abolished by the 2014-15 season.
  15. I'm sure Chris will enjoy furthering his career in League Two.
  16. baggy89

    Emeli Sandé

    Didn't realise she was an Alford quine. She's been writing top songs for other folk and just about to release her own stuff, what's the chance I can be the first* to suggest she clubs together with Annie Lennox and buys the Dons??? (*Coming to all lesser Dons forums soon as an exclusive rumour)
  17. Hope you don't work in payroll.
  18. baggy89

    Andy Murray

    Just think Murray would have won multiple grand slams by now, if he'd only put as much focus into his tennis as Rocket does into disliking him.
  19. baggy89


    What if you don't want to enjoy you life though? What if you are Tom Widdows?
  20. baggy89


    Watched Drive last night. Fucking Superb! Loved the 80's feel from the "Cocktail" style neon credits to the not pandering to American box office tweens and making it actually violent. Ryan Gosling ice cold cool and Carey Mulligan strangely hot.
  21. mmm Rovers this season? How not to improve your wikipedia record. There's a reason why EVERYONE has turned it down, so far. Hopefully he's in before Saturday and he can inspire his Rovers team to equalling the scoreline from his first competitive game in charge of Aberdeen.
  22. Cheltenham got a fee and other clauses based on progress and an agreed percentage of sell on fee when Arsenal signed 15 year old Jamie Edge. Unfortunately Arsenal released him last summer. You'd hope if Cheltenham can negotiate that for a player that had not signed pro terms we should be able to negotiate at least similar for someone who has.
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