Not sure, just something I picked up from somewhere and can't find where now, I think the suggestion was; that was part of the deal in securing the club for a quid. Didn't really make any sense to me as I thought, according to UEFA, football debts had to be repaid first and I believe they owe money to at least Hearts, Sone Aluko and Dundee Utd. But...
What would be stopping Whyte being the one creating the new Hun club? With his mother or similar buying Ibrox for a fraction of it's value and starting again without the threat of the HMRC case?
I suppose it'll be said that he gambled on Europe and they failed but it seems incredibly short sighted not to have factored that into his business plan when he bought a club on the brink and haemorrhaging money 9 months ago, and lest we forget the guy is a chancer who seems to have always had an angle that worked in his past business dealings. Plenty of them about, for sure, but few who seem to have pulled it off so successfully over a sustained period of time.