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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by baggy89

  1. I think the fans still care, I just think they have given up expecting those in charge of the club to care. It's shit supporting Aberdeen these days, we convince ourselves year on year that the OF are getting weaker and we will close the gap, that this year we will win a cup, but it never happens and lets face it, it could quite conceivably be another 15 years without a trophy for us or another 25 years without another non-OF team winning the league. Bosman and Murdoch killed Scottish football. You say "football isn't played on financial accounts and balance sheets", I disagree, and that saddens me because it shouldn't be, it should be about "good managers getting the best out of their players". Look at the shite that have managed the OF recently and still they are what? 8 points clear after 7 games?? In a way I'm lucky not living at home, at least in England I won't have to force supporting Aberdeen on my son, don't get me wrong he's had a strip and I'll likely get him another for Christmas and he'll get taken to Pittodrie when I'm home next and I've taken him to Cheltenham down here (which I'm convinced has to be slightly less painful than supporting Aberdeen with the paint pot and a realistic possibility of winning a league or play-off final). I don't want to encourage him to be a Pot Hunter but at the same time I don't want him to endure the misery of supporting a team or teams that are going to win the square root of fuck all, so I've been considering taking to an Arsenal (or A.N Other EPL top EPL side that's not the english huns). If I'd suggested that to myself 5 years ago I'd punched myself in the face but all his little mates support Arsenal, Chelsea, etc and therefore it's inevitable anyway. So fuck knows what I'd do if I was still at home, I'd hate for him to have to be at school with a load of OF wannabe's as I'm sure a lot of Aberdeen schools are nowadays. I don't know what the answer is but I can't see anything changing while the the club remains under its present control or while the SPL and SFL remain in their current guise. I've thought for a long time that there needs to be a complete restructure of Scottish football in it's entirety, a year zero if you like, but despite there being "no money" in Scottish football there is still too much of it floating around for the self protectionists at the top to step of their gravy train and allow it to happen.
  2. Bang on, you JC loving happy clapper .
  3. Getting rid at Christmas is about how I feel although the January transfer window is pish for making any significant changes. The run till the summer will give the new guy time to assess his squad and possibly convince those out of contract, worth keeping, that they might want to stay. At the minute I don't think McGhee has any confidence in his own abilities and his comments in the media are confused and desperate. Howard in because of the wind? Shock at Diamonds mistake after last weeks performance? Not worried at one point from fifteen? When you add to that to his signings, last seasons in terms of ability this seasons in terms of identifying requirements, tactical pig headedness, apparent inability to make the correct change during a game, lack of motivational abilities, and his luck he really doesn't have a lot going for him. Fuck knows where we go, as a club, from here but I can only see it being backwards if McGhee remains the man in charge in the long term.
  4. I would have thought Jerome Boateng was a bit of a throw back to an '80s full back at least in stature and physicality.
  5. Just got round to watching the final episode tonight after being at Cheltenham - Poxford on Tuesday night. Have to say that last episode completely redeemed the series. Brilliant. Looking forward to '90 now! I'm going to assume Combo had such a small part due to filming Boardwalk Empire?
  6. Odd game yesterday mainly because I wasn't overly aggrieved at the result. Despite Jelavic and two others being offside when the ball for the third was first played through, him not coming fully back onside before turning back towards goal in order to run in and score the third. Jelavic going studs up at head height with Langfield not 5 minutes before Maguire got a yellow for standing on Klubfoot's toe, Weiss being almost down before Folly put in a challenge and several other incidents. Despite losing after being two up at home. Despite having 5 centre backs on the pitch and our defence being a panic stricken shambles. I have to admit I was impressed by McGhee's signings, as has been said Folly looks a tidy composed player, Vujadinovic (once he gets up to pace) looks to have a decent touch and passing ability, Vernon is hard working and seems to have a hit a rich vein of form, McArdle looked good for a CB playing at RM. Of those McGhee did not sign Maguire appears to be applying himself and forming a good partnership, Mackie was decent if unspectacular on the wing and Considine was decent in an unnatural position we all know he is uncomfortable in. The real weak spot is the defence and with the options it is a real conundrum. I couldn't really make up my mind whether the defence lined up as it was supposed to (according to SKY) as the only one who seemed to keep his position well was Ifil the other three wandered about at a great rate. What can you expect though with so many CBs and no FBs. At the minute Diamond has to be dropped which almost solves one problem. I thought Ifil was solid at RB so I'd keep him there and play Considine and Vujadinovic at CB. What position does Jack play? Thought I read somewhere he was a full back? If so get him playing, after all this looks very much like it is going to be another transitional season and we can't continue with 4 centre backs trying to play as an orthodox back 4.
  7. I dunno the ref didn't blow his whistle, if it had been "taken quickly" at the opposite end resulting in a goal for Sunderland they would have had to retake it. Still, if he wanted the goalie to take the kick he should just have left it. Also don't think anyone can argue he thought he was taking it otherwise why not run after it when he saw how far the away the keeper was.
  8. Ricky Gervaise is shite, I saw the advert for that new program and figured it was an attempt to foist another one of his mates on to us. Maybe I was/am being over sensitive, what I meant by pandering was the need to show it and have the sound playing while cutting away to other scenes. It was fairly obvious, to me anyway, that the Dad was a nasty cunt. It was fairly obvious from when he let Trev in what was going to happen, it was even more obvious when he started trying to pull her clothes off, and it would have been very obvious if they had just shown the aftermath. It was the "oh dear you're not very wet" pumping away with his arse out left me feeling a bit "OK I've got it, no need for that". The only logical reason I could see for showing it was to make everyone aware of what he was capable of, even those without imagination. Although that is obviously not the consensus of opinion, so I'm probably wrong. I would assume now the retribution will be redemption for Combo although that, perhaps is a touch too obvious a route for Meadows to take. On a side note, I read an article somewhere that he hoped to do another mini-series in a few years and flash forward another 4 years to the 1990 World Cup.
  9. I'm talking about a made up fixture for next season, in which he'll play for Rangers . A miserable attempt at humour, on my part
  10. SPL September Sat 24 Dunfermline v Rangers - baggy89 (the same weekend) SF1 September Sat 24 2011 Dundee - Aberdeen
  11. Really not sure what to make of that. Is this what TV has come to? Do we really need to pander to the lowest common denominator? Why would you have to actually show, acting or not, a rape. It was fairly obvious that Lol's dad was a nasty cunt capable of sexually deviant behaviour. So surely the suggestion that something has been done is enough to carry the storyline? Maybe I'm pissed and now angry, maybe I'm getting over-sensitive with my age, but that final scene stinks of desperation to shock. I'm now left with a dilemma; Follow my immediate reaction and not watch the final episode out of disappointment over what a promising British film maker has been reduced too and in effect pander to the opinions of outraged middle class parents, of which I'm one (allegedly). OR watch it in the vain hope that Meadows can pull the vanity project that this has been, out of the proverbial ashes in the final episode?
  12. Yeah seemed to go off on a moral tangent rather than focussing on taking the piss
  13. http://www.afc.co.uk/javaImages/c8/e/0,,10284~9047752,00.jpg[/img] No wonder that 14/15yo striker of ours looks like he's scoring past a 5 year old. I bet when the goalie stands up, his shorts cover most of his socks!
  14. Aye watched that looking forward to tonight's, hopefully the first episode was just reintroducing the characters and scene setting because if it hadn't been for the fact that I enjoyed the film the last 15 minutes or so would have had me reaching for the remote. Also The In-betweeners last night, had me in stitches, as usual.
  15. This seems to be a theme sweeping fitba forums at the minute, everyone should be positive and if you are negative it is only so you can say I told you so a few months down the line. What kind of nonsense is that, surely the whole point in fitba forums is to bitch and snipe then you can get behind your team on a Saturday. Also there is very little satisfaction gained from saying "I told you so" to the bunch of retards who are so blinded by their own self importance they can't see the truth. Talking of which, realistically we have to give McGhee till next season to see what he can really do, now.
  16. Ni-Kola Vujadinovic, Ni-Kola Vujadinovic, Sitting here bored, Trying to think up a song, At the request of Nelliethedon.
  17. I thought this thread was about a psychic lobster, nae yer new wife's thoughts on your honeymoon.
  18. He He! Motherwell twinned with Baghdad. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/jun/03/the-knowledge-stolen-football-badges
  19. I'm 4 chapters in, I think, just after the rioting Tims when he builds the Starship Parkhead Destroyer .
  20. Is there a size advantage in table tennis? Surely players would be let go for being too big, given the Chinese abilities at the sport. That sounds similar to what I read, no idea where I got the August bit though. It's something that bothers me from an academic rather than sporting point of view as my daughter was born on the 31st August. Anyway I'm off to Amazon to buy this book.
  21. Exactly this isn't even exclusive to Scottish Football. I'm sure I read somewhere that there is no EPL player born in August i.e. the youngest (and more than likely smallest) in their age group. I'm sure the same article also went on to say there was similar findings in most other sports all over the world.
  22. Has he not signed for Reading?
  23. Having had a quick read of the rules on the link I posted the other day, we'd have to prove either that he is a recognised international performer or show that there is no player settled in the UK who can take the job. Maybe if Udinese are paying his wages the case will be no one is willing to play for us for free?? [ur]http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/eea/workpermits/workpermitarrangements/sportsandentertainments/[/url] As far as I can see there is an alternative i.e. he signs up at Aberdeen College as a student, is granted a permit to study then we ask for a letter confirming that he has changed his status and is now employed by Aberdeen Football Club as a footballer. http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/eea/bulgariaromania/applying/ Then again I could be talking bollocks.
  24. For those that are actually THAT interested http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/eea/bulgariaromania/liveworkuk/
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