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Saturday 15th March 2025 - kick-off 3pm

Scottish Premiership: St Johnstone v Aberdeen


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Everything posted by baggy89

  1. We'd have been better off in a footballing sense too. Jimmy's "dross" players playing Jimmy's "negative & boring" style of football or winning as everyone else calls it. If we had to make a change it should have been at the end of this season, with virtually the entire playing staff out of contract. Even then it should not have been a middle of the road, never really achieved anything after 10+ years of management, been turned down at least once already, finished below us in the same league type manager.
  2. We're worse.FACT. Financially and footballing-ly.
  3. mmm beer. The wife is working the night and with the fitba on at 12 tomorrow, I can get very very drunk. Bye.
  4. EH? Day 1 Saturday 1500 - Sunday 1459.59... Day 2 Sunday 1500 - Monday 1459.59... Day 3 Monday 1500 - Tuesday 1459.59... Day 4 Tuesday 1500 - Wednesday 1459.59... Day 5 Wednesday 1500 - Thursday 1459.59... Day 6 Thursday 1500 - Friday 1459.59... Day 7 Friday 1500 - Saturday 1459.59... What am I missing?
  5. Did we not play at 1500 last Saturday and will be playing at 1230 this Saturday, therefore the players will be finished playing at approx. 1415? That's supposing we are purely classing a week as seven days rather than Monday through Sunday. Then again my Granny used to always tell me the first day of the week was Sunday?
  6. Getting away from the fact that certain members of the team need dropping for performance issues, and ignoring whether three days before an important cup replay would be the correct time to do this. If McGhee hasn't said this, it's the Glasgow press trying (not so subtly) to put pressure on us to beat the tims. If he has said it, it smacks of nothing more than getting the excuses in early. "Resting" players is a nonsense, full-stop. If professional athletes, and I feel I should highlight the word athlete as McGhee was only last week commenting that he had inherited a squad of athletes rather than footballers, can't play three 90 minute games of football in a week, there is something wrong somewhere. I'm sure I read somewhere, only last week, that the 35 year old Paul Scholes had requested not to be "rested" as it was difficult to settle into a rhythm and keep that match sharpness.
  7. Exactly, he should try looking down the back of his sofa. Although, given his grippiness, is it not likely that it may have just rotted away to nothing in the permanent darkness of his wallet?
  8. Very true. How anyone can expect respect and praise, for what they achieved at this club 30 years ago, from the fans, on one hand. While on the other castigating the same fans for living on and expecting similar, to those same past glories. It almost has the same unintentional irony and revisionism as an AFChat post.
  9. I don't know what the fuck was going through my head last night. In fact, no, I do alcohol infused blood cells and some dark thoughts. I think what I'm suggesting there is at some point we have to come to the conclusion that this debt is going nowhere. How long do we have to trundle along putting up with shit. The most exciting thing about Fraser Fyvie is if we sell we'll get some money to pay off some of our debt. How depressing is that? The most exciting prospect since Jess and Booth and we're not thinking "WOW we could win the the league with this guy", we're thinking "WOW he could be worth £5 million, that's almost half our debt in one fell swoop". Is administration and the threat of relegation that much worse than what we currently put up with? The only negative I can see at this moment in time is losing these players for a fraction of their worth, but if we are only ever likely to see a fraction of what they're worth because of the debt situation, would we be any worse off?
  10. To be honest I am becoming increasingly ambivalent to the situation down Pittodrie Street. In 15 odd years what has changed? The players, the manager? Obviously. The only constant over this time is some of the board; but I'm not sure if they are even the focus of, what is inevitably accelerating towards a half drunk rant... The trouble with football is that since 1996 everyone has had an opinion on football. To start with this was a good thing, you could go into a pub and start up a conversation with a stranger about football and not have them look at you like you'd killed someone. Then you started coming across the wankers with their Man Utd then Arsenal then Liverpool (whatever happened to them) then Chelsea shirts and lets be honest here these wankers were the same people just with ever changing shirts and memories of how they came to support "their" team. WHY? Why the fuck would anyone not want to support their local team? Why if you didn't want to support your local team would you choose any of the afore mentioned teams? and add the Old Firm to that although there does seem to be some sort of scumbag reason for that beyond the obvious success related "high" that these fitba junkies seem to get off on. "Eeeeehmmm I support Chelsea because in 1922 they won the South West London Counties Champion of champions shield and its exceptionally interesting because Chelsea aren't in South West London and neither are my family we hail from the Midlands but my Grandad was born the year after and he supported Chelmsley Town and they have C-H-E-L at the start of their name and my uncle once bought me a Fulham shirt and of course they are at the opposite end of the Kings Road from Chelsea, so really it was written in the stars that I support them". CUNTS As much as I hate to admit it we must have a lot of these in our support, fuck it lets not even blame these bastards. I was slagging Jimmy in his second season after not driving the nail home (at home) and really sticking it to Le Guen in the race for second. We and I'm not just talking about Aberdonian's here, are impatient, and what successive managers have failed to recognise, have a fishing village-esque superiority complex. Aberdeen fitba club should be able to take me, a couple of my fat mates, a disabled female goalie and two wheel chair bound paraplegic strikers and still win the fucking league (according to us). It's not happening not now and at no point in the immediate future, and I'm sure (going back to my original point) it doesn't help we have a certain percentage of these combined with those post-'96 fitba expert's on our board. I don't know what the answer is? Now I think I've completely given up on changes at the top of the footballing ladder. One decent appointment in 15 years £12 million (and counting) over-spent, a now unsafe ground... Are we at a cross roads in our existence? Do we even have the bottle to even attempt to force Milne out? Lets play out a scenario whereby McInnes or Levein has taken us to where we are at this point this season, is iy transitional for them?. Is their support for non-Aberdeen leg ends? or are Milne and co desperately trying to re-sign Inglis to disperse the baying mob? I wonder how long we are likely we are to survive administration before Rangers and Celtic come flashing cheap perfumed fagina's in the direction of Pawlett, Aluko, and Fyvie. Because at this point losing this trio and not seeing them develop is the only downside I can see to sucking it up and clearing our debt. Anyway alcohol plus attempting to concentrate.... The only way I'll see if this makes any sense is the AM gOODNIGHT.
  11. Signings who are at best no better than what we have. Talking crap to the press and as a result more often than not doing the opposition managers team talk for him. Embarrassing results against lower league opposition. Having a go at the fans and telling them their expectations are too high. Re-signing the "dross" (Foster).... A few more pies between meals, a couple of sessions at Tan-o-rama, and would anyone know we had actually changed our manager in the summer? *edit. Just thought better put a smilie before someone takes this too seriously.
  12. Maybe... I was thinking of Belabed.
  13. Lets hope he works out more successfully than the last young player we had, who did an interview about taking the bus to training.
  14. Ha Ha! It so sad it's funny.
  15. What the fuck else are we going to do on these forums. You've admitted your enjoying it. What's your problem? Got to be better than the; Your great LS, can I buy you a train ticket to Aberdeen LS, I'll let you touch me inappropriately LS, McGhee is god, no he's not, YES HE IS SAY IT OR YOUR BANNED. I occasionally read over there. Probably part of the reason you have been drifting over here recently.
  16. Me too, hilarious. Bring back Nic Nac!
  17. Something we agree on .
  18. Do I really need to provide a summary after every page for you highly intelligent Chat posters? The point is. You stated no-one involved wanted to see us lose. I thought it was after the protest when it was suggested more would have gone if we lost. I knew I couldn't be bothered to even use the search facility. Dave kindly provided links. I clicked on one. Immediately noticed one, that was suggesting the protest would gain more support if we lost. Noticed it was from you. Posted it up on here in response to your claim. You then claimed that I'm reading too much into it. I claim, consciously or sub-consciously, you meant it. I don't think I suggested once that the protest failed, I now how preciously you protesters hold those 4 minutes in the memories of your desperate struggle against the tyranny of Calderwood's reign. I also fail to see how the 3 posters on here can have a knee-jerk reaction when we lose, but in truth actually want us to lose? Quite what that middle paragraph is about... So in truth I am now confused over what the point of you is.
  19. All without reply
  20. You were the one who went to the press and became spokesperson for the JMG (for the benefit of Rocket, a term coined on AFCHAT and used by Brian in his dealings with the press, as a name for the sextuple). Therefore it would have benefited you if there were larger numbers, no? You would have looked less of a fool if it was a success? I would suggest that whether consciously intentioned or not, the inference is there.
  21. Ha Ha Ha! I think I can actually hear the desperate back pedalling or are you really suggesting the patently obvious inference to this quote was not intentioned? Questions. What was the point in your protest? Do you believe a larger turn out would have reinforced this point?
  22. Third link down.
  23. Ahhh! The old AFCHAT imagined DT "agenda" that Minijc used to waffle on about. NOBODY wants McGhee to fail. NO-ONE who supports a fitba team wants to see them to lose so they can say "I told you so" to someone they've never met on the internet. Get a grip, man! I used to think you ramblings were for comedic effect, not what you actually believed. If, god forbid, there is to be "I told you so's" they will be reserved for those smug self righteous internet users who so magnanimously ridiculed anyone who dared to think different from them, and suggest that there was a possibility we might be worse off with a change of manager. NO-ONE here would ever enjoy seeing their team fail but some of that bitterness may be made that bit sweeter by having some internet users who, lets say, use less "alternative vocabulary" eat a slice of humble pie, not that I would expect any of these to accept they may have been wrong. They will of course look for the next excuse or individual to blame, because that's the way society has raised them.
  24. OK, one last time. 1) I agree with you about the problems being above the manager, I made that point in this thread previous to your post. I don't agree that it was your principal point and have pointed out that I had issues with your excusing McGhee of all blame for the result on Tuesday night. 2) I do not agree that Mcghee does not have his own "cast". He has signed 3 of those playing on Tuesday night, gave a fourth his debut in Fyvie, signed another who he himself hasn't deemed better than the previous regime's goalie in Nelson, re-signed another in Foster, is trying to re-sign a further three in Kerr McDonald and Mulgrew and has left a further two of his signings on the bench (Grassi and Marshall). At what point does this become his "cast"? 3) He has had 8 months coaching this squad now and still they haven't learned the "script", when does McGhee take responsibility for teaching them it. 4) ... In fact fuck it, who cares we're rotten to the core. Your right what's the point in attempting to discuss it, from now on I'm going to take any attempt from someone to offer an opposite view point as a personal attack call you cunty toes and tell you to go sodomise a dang bettle.
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