Thought the same thing. An article written by a hun, who has recently been critical of the Huns (and their support), to appease his hun paymasters. Bit of a shame because the most important point was:
I'm sorry Mister Speirs in this instance it is you, not the Aberdeen support, who is living in the past (as the rest of your breed like to claim of us). Claiming that the current director of FOOTBALL, can in any way be responsible for the clubs racking up of debt in the ten or so years prior to his appointment or Stewart Milne's subsequent tight purse strings; is desperate straw clutching at best. At worst it is jumping on the idiots bandwagon in a cheap attempt at point scoring against someone who denied your team chances of silver-wear time and again in the 80's, with the added bonus of dividing the Aberdeen support some more. I sense a desperate supporter hurting at the desperate nature of his teams plight using the tried and tested hun special of, if there is no ridiculous arguments left, deflect!