Aye, I watched it too. The exercise was obviously designed for and aimed at Americans. I thought it was useful to show how quickly people would jump on a bandwagon . It also highlighted that although we (the British), in general, are not overtly racist there is certainly something underlying. BUT I would say this is true for most peoples the world over and does not only relate to race. The difficulty is, admitting it. For there to be no discrimination everyone would have to be treated exactly the same and that doesn't happen even from the most open minded of us.
Agree with BB the wifie hosting it was a pain in the hoop, but I suppose if she's been going round Yankland with her exercise for the last 40 years she would have developed this overtly aggressive behaviour and arrogance to counter the bigotry she must come across on a daily basis.
As for the other Blonde wifie that BB mentioned :rolleyes:
"One of the dark skinned girls I teach fell and skinned her face, was I shocked to see it was pink underneath? Well yes I was, but only because I'd never thought about it."
What colour did you think a Black persons blood and therefore flesh was? Green??
Seemed like it was the wifie in her 60's was the only one that actually "got it"